Nickname(s): Ross, Roscoe
RP appearance(s): Private with hillohello
Age: 583 (but is frozen at 17)
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Personality: Roscoe is laid back and placid, but can be open and friendly when it comes down to it. He grew up in a wealthy family and so knows how to be proper and formal. He tends to like to keep to himself, absorbing himself in books, art, and music whenever he can.
Bio: He was the son of a wealthy businessman, and was in line to take up his father's seat in the business. He then got into a fight with his father one night, and stormed out of the house, going to a bar. He got drunk, made some bad decisions, and soon found himself naked in a bed with a beautiful, cold lady. They *ahem ahem*, but at some point during it, he felt her teeth sink into his neck, and everything went black. When he woke up, he was still on the bed, but the woman was nowhere in sight. He got up and dressed himself, but when he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw nothing. Thinking he was ill, he went to a doctor immediately, but then accidentally killed the doctor with his sudden lust for blood. He ran away for a long time, trying to cope with what had happened. He then returned back to civilization, and took up residence in modern-day New York City.
Weapon(s): Knuckle-dusters
Abilities: Normal vampiric abilities; heightened senses, strong as stone.