(chained to a wall)
Four Heartbreaks
One hurting worse then the other
Denied Love
Feeling hurt and unloved
I wait in darkness
I'm waiting in darkness
In a dungeon
Chained to a wall
Waiting for the day
When light will shine
I wait for the day
The light will shine on me
Through the dungeon's
And on my dampend soul
That light
Which I yern for
Would be my prince
My night in shining armor
My saveor and lover
But he has not come...
Not yet at least
Still I wait for him
Each passing day
Waiting in darkness
My spirit
Lossing hope
My hope
Fraile and dying
But not wanting
To give up hope
This darkness
Which I wait in
Is bent on destroying me
Dampaning dreams
Shattering hopes
Shreding my soul
This darkness
Growing stronger
Drive the light away
Consuming me
This darkness
Has one goal
To turn me away
From the apparent
Cold, unfeeling light
In this darkness
Where I wait
cold, hungry
Lonley, scared
The darkness toys
With my mind.
This darkness
Works to possess me
To take control of me
All but confert me
I try to fight
But the darkness
Is getting stronger
To much for me to bare
Still I wait
Still I pray
For the day
I will be set free
Of these shadows
Of this dungeon
Each time
I take a heartbreak
The darkness pulls me
Deeper into the depths of hell
Towards turning away from light
Though it's fralie
And slowly dying
I can only hope
That my prince will come
Before it's too late
Too late to save my soul
Too late to save my heart
Too late to save my mind
From demise or despare
The godlike kind of darkness
Approches me
He looks into
My eyes
Where he sees
My tortured soul
But still hope
"God... Please save or at least
Help my soul" I plead to
The god of the hevens
I cry out in pain
As my last bit of hope
Is destroyed
Leaving me to wait in darkness

(A godlike king of evil)