take a pencil out, &; jot down noteees.. <3 --My birth right name was given to me as Alicia ! prounounced; uh` lee sha for those who don't know by now.I prefer this name, but nicknames are always lovedd. I get hypedd and crunk in the West. Reppin` the Bay Area. Im a Certifiied [[ASIAN]] && dayumm proud.; 100 percent, all the way babbyy. Im mainly Mienh, but i have Chinese, lao, && Thai runnin` through my veins. Took my first breath; Shinnin` like a star, Gleamin in RichmondThe 510; my hometown !! I stunned out on o2//18//94 ! bangin` at 14. <33 Every 18th of February, you'll hear me singin`' Happy Birthday To Me'. <33 Care to sing along? It's my special dayy ! so we'll kick it hardd all night, til the mornin` light. xD can you help me blow the candles? Then we can throw cake at eachother; And get all Cakedd up. Then you can lickk the icing left on my face, kayy babyboo? Justkeeddinn`. Im a freshyy; maintaining and getting my education with decent grades. Im no spongebobsmartypants; But i know enough . I got the basics down shut. I tend to struggle; yet i know my right from wrongs. I've made countless; endless mistakes, but it doesn't stop me from pursuin` my own goals. You may think you know me; but FUhk what you heard because that could be all lies. Get to know me first; then start judging. Im loved && hated. I can't please everyone, and im done trying. Oh wells(; I'll just go on with life. I know who i can && Can't trust. it's obvious ! Im not cocky; but im not confident. I'm just Real ! I'll tell yu` the truth even if it hurts. Sorry? I got the Lord above lookin` down on me every step i take. Im thankful for another day. I can be your shoulder to cry on, when things get rough and you feel like giving up. Run to me, i can help. people may think my life has been perfect, but not until you've seen what I've been through; And witness the hardships i've faced and managed to overcome. So don't start assuming, because I'll tell yu` now. You're wrong. ! I'm pretty open with my life; but there are things i will and wont tell yu`. I'm not selfish; Im kind-hearted and generous. I help when i can. I have my bad and good moments. So don't get upset if i get offended over something little. My life is beyond normal; out of the ordinary. I live a pretty strange lifestyle, but i still find it as a blessing. I don't rely on materialistic items to determine myself, although they're nice. I know what i am and am not capable of, so you can keep that to yourself. my friends and family have a big impact in my life. Without them i don't think i can accomplish what i've already done. My head is constantly boppin` to Rnb beats. I love RNb Trackz. Without it, My goshh ! i don't know what i'd do. I sing; One thing i'm good at. But dancing ? Lol, Ohhweee, be my teacher? and i'll love yu` forever. You can find me kickin` backk, relaxing at the movie theatres gettin` all comfy and lickin` my ice cream cone. Let's chill together. ! Bring money; Baby ! We'll shop til we drop. Til` every last penny is spent. I told you. ! Im pretty unique, Arne't I?
Comprende? --♥Alicia