These are my "Mascots". I'm not quite sure why I called them that. Anyway, they're just my OC's. They all have different origins, and live out their days in my head. When the time comes, they personify themselves in my sketchbook to entertain my friends and I. This is what they look like. . .
-Bink Finite-
Most of the time, Bink's whereabouts are quite a mystery. He always (sometimes, maybe) seems to be off doing his own thing. Probably something cool.
When they first met, Mike mistook him for a girl.
-Ofelia (One-Arm Girl) Fields-
Ofelia lost her arm (I couldn't really find anyway to remove her arm. . .) after wrecking her unbranded pick-up truck.
Out of all the Mascots, Ofelia's swearing is the worst.
-Mike Oxbig-
Mike has somewhat of an inferiority complex. This might explain why he's so damn obnoxious all the time.
Still, he's a good guy. . . thing. . .
-The Magic Potato-
Potato, apparently, rules an entire kingdom, off in some faraway, magical vegetable land. And if you thought THAT was hard to believe, he's actually MARRIED!!! To a WOMAN!!!!!
What a d-bag.
-Titania Thirgirlmasot-
As a magical entity, she's ageless, and can even take on another form. But, she really ought not take such a voluptuous form if she's going to be so shy.
She actually worries that Ofelia dislikes her.
-Ego Ego-
Ego is one of the many sillhouettes that make up my personality. He used to be dwarfed by Appetite, but since then has grown.
It's unknown whether he's stupid or just quiet.
-Viola Stacatto-
The single offspring of the very famous (and very fictional) composer, Barlow Mlechioer Stacatto. And she is very, VERY rich! And oh, how we love her for it! A girl like her is bound to make a place like Tim's head somewhat more
sophisticated. We hope.
-Regal the Man-Eater-
In his free-time, Regal likes to hide in chests and feed on unsuspecting adventurers. If he IS somehow defeated, he pleads for his life and offers rare items in return for sparing him.