You have enthusiasm for almost everything you do in life. You have a super playful attitude.
You are curious about the world, and you love to learn. You rather figure people out than rush to judge them.
Your inner demon is pride. You can't help but have a big head sometimes.
People think you're cute because you're adventurous. You always bring some fun, which is super charming.
The Cute Monster Test
O.o this is sorta like me...
What Your Jack-o-Lantern Says

You tend to be a bit of a grouchy person. The scrooge of Halloween.
And while you may complain about it, you would miss Halloween if it didn't come around.
This Halloween you should embrace your inner grump - be a warlock or a witch.
The candy you should give out: sour patch kids
The Jack-o-Lantern Quiz
Zomg im gonna be a witch o-o
You Are a Vampire

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.
You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.
While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
Are You a Vampire or a Werewolf?
Yay im a vampire >[