So I've already said before that I'm thinking about opening an art shop again.
I plan to do it after November first,
when all this garage sale prep and stuff I'm doing now is out of the way.
Anyway, here's what I have so far, as far as samples.
I only need one more to do a black and white sample,
and in an attempt to sort of even things out, it needs to be a guy avi. XD
I have three samples of full coloring.

And one sample of monochromatic coloring.

Now all that remains is one more guy avi
to serve as a black and white shading sample.
Now the last thing to figure out is prices. XP
Lineart -
BW Shaded -
Colored Monochrome -
Colored Full -
I haven't exactly decided on those yet,
so it's time to start asking around.
I don't want to go too high.
Then again, the highest I've ever gone for avi art was 500,
and I do want to go higher than that this time.