Name: Sanoske
age 17
height 5-11
race Pryo/angel
background: he was raised by psycotic parents he was beat day after day locked in a wooden crate and because of how smart he was they hated him for that he slept in the wooden crate
they fed his younger brother to demons this made sanaoske really mad he hated his parents guts so each day he worked on the elemnt of fire looking for new ways to sue it failing and getting hurt quite abit he still dident get to the rank of a pryo master but was really close performing at a genious level he came to a breakthrew and one day Sano killed his parents and fled with his sister she was very frail and sick and their were times he thought she woudlent make it but his sister ahd him promise to not use his powers for revenge cause revenge leads to demise he agreed to it and he takes care of his sister he has no freinds he did but after the evnt with his parents not anymore.(more later)
personality: he loses his temper very easily exspercialy if his sister is in danger but if peopole are nice to him hell be nice back hes a careing person if given the chance
Favorite food Spaggetti
(and again my spelling is bad >> wink