entry #17
during class today I wrote a note about Matty and just in case anyone wants to read it im posting it but the ending is sort of imbarresing -///- heres what I wrote...
"I dont care that you've lied to me in the past. Past-is-Past and I care about you. I know you have strong feelings for Poison but I love you just as much as he does (acually I think I love you more) your an amazing person. You work so hard to live in a simple apartment. I just wanna steal you away and let you live with me. I would take care of you and cuddle with you on my bed. And take you to school with me even though your to old to go. So I would skip all my classes just to spend time with you and hold you close
P.S. I know you live 4 hrs away but Im going to the twilight movie in December at a regal theater. Just in case you come I'll pay for you."
this is that the note was  on tuh bottom thats me and Matty holding hands. O////o
Wuv Chan · Mon Oct 20, 2008 @ 11:40pm · 0 Comments |