Just Remember people! I'll remind you this ever once in a while.
Naruto surprised range
Sasuke biggrin ark blue
And also when its like this it just means he/she is either dreaming or thinking in he/she's head.its mostly gonna be thinking in the head.
Nooooooooo! Leave me alone!Stay away! I Don't wanna die! I don't.......wanna die.......Satsuki.....Whats that noise? Who was that!?...Satsuki.....Who is that!. Please just leave me alone!....Satsuki...its ok....y-.....Who are you!?....Satsuki....wake up.... Wake up?.... Wake up W-why is everything disappearing!! No,where am i going?! I'm fading away!Nooooooooo!Satsuki!...SatsukI!..wake up! your just dreaming!Thats voice..its...Kiba...*wakes up* Was....Was i dreaming? W-was it....really just a dream?Satsuki its ok.You were dreaming and..you seemed scared. its just a nightmare.You'll be fine.Plus I'm waking you up because Tsunade needs to talk to you today, remember?Oh...Y-yeah!.was i really dreaming? If so that was a scary dream!
*Runs over to Tsunade in the hokage mansion* You wanted to see me Lady Tsunade?Ah ,yes Satsuki.I wanted to talk to you about your..past.My..past?Yes,as you know, when you were born you were kidnapped and your parents were killed.Correct?Y-yeah..i guess.Well..there's more.
m-more?Yes.More.As you know you have met Naruto if I'm not mistaken.Also you have met up with your comrades as well. Yes.I have.And you know the nine-tailed fox demon is inside of..Naruto?y-yeah Well,this may be very suprising and sudden for you but....you have one in you too. WHAT!!??No need to yell.yes its true. You,Satsuki, have the 1- tailed dog demon inside of you.A-a..1- tailed dog demon?What about..Ongari..and Chrno? yea i was about to get to that. I just told them yesterday about there demons.So you mean they have demons too!? Yes.your not alone. Naruto,You,Ongari,and Chrno all ahve demons.And theirs more.More!?Yes,Gaara of the Sand and 5 others have demons.Ex-cluding Naruto,You,Ongari,and Chrno.Their are a total of 10 demons in people.And no more.All of you 10,i dont know the other 5, have an enormous amount of chakra. Really? Is that good.....?Yes..thats good.It makes you stronger,healthier,and more powerful. But as you know from experience it...as you say it "disgusts some people"They are afraid..of your demon and you.So they treat you like dirt and banish you from their lives.Yeah.......Where are you going? Were done?Correct Well,Yeah Bu-Alright then..Lady Tsunade.Thank you for telling me the information.have a good day.*poofs away*Poor kid...
While she poofs away to some place we shall look on what everybody else is doing.
Can you believe we have demons!?Yeah.You can!?Well..how else would you explain why people treated us like dirt?They knew but we didn't.Yeah but....Hey guys!!Hm?Oh Naruto its you!Where's Sasuke?DunnoNaruto we need to talk. Ongari i told you i was sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean to spill all my ramen on you and get that noodle stuck in your hair!!NOT THAT YOU IDIOT!!!!!! Ugghh....i'm talking about Chrno,You,Satsuki,and me.We found out we also have demons inside us.WHAAAAATTTTT!?Yes Naruto.I have the 2-tailed Cat demon and Onagri has the 5-tailed Wolf Demon.You don't say?And By The Way...DONT SCREAM LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!YOU ALMOST BUSTED MY EAR-DRUM OUT STUPID!!!!!!!!!S-sorry! I was just so surprised!You dont hae to go bite'n me head off!SIT BOY!!!What they heck are you talking about Ongari!?Ongari that only works on Inuyasha not Naruto.Sorry i couldn't resist. It jsut felt like i HAD to say that! It was hilarious though!I thought that was actually gonna work for a minute.But to bad Naruto isn't Inuyasha.Anyways i wonder if Satsuki knows we have demons or if she even knows she has a demon?Dunno
Now lets check in on Sasuke.....
Who bob what pants who bob what pants Who bob..what paaaannntss! Now the real song! SPONG BOB SQUARE PANTS SPONG BOB SQUARE PANTS SPONG BOB..SQUARE PAAAANNNTTSS!!! Yaaaayyy Spongbob!!
WTFudge............that was VERY creepy! NO WAiT That was VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VEEEERRRRYYY CREEPY.I so did not need to see that.No i don't even WANT to see that.
CLIFFHANGER!!!YaaaaaayyyyY! WE all love Cliffhanger's! Well ANYWAYS you'll find out where Satsuki poofed to and what she's thinking or upset about and all that crap.Blah Blah Blah but maybe in the next or the next next episode their will be some really really really good parts in them/it.It involves October and thats all the clue's i shall give you about the october thingy.Well,watch next week's (if i can do it that week.I PROBABLY WILL!!!!) episode of Naruto:Satsuki's Hurt!?!
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