Bio: Sokanon was abandoned when she was 7 by her parents. She grew up not knowing love. She became a ninja so that she could defend herself.
Her look

Her weapon

Name: Hisoka -Japanese-
Meaning: Secret, hidden
Age: 16
Bio: Hisoka was born into a noble family, however her prestigious and famous family of scholars and musicians and diplomats were totally destroyed in a mysterious attack which no one understands. She has an unexplained power of being able to shapeshift, but it is limited to one other appearance, one of a boy. Very very few know she is actually a girl, as she always takes the appearance of a boy. She is a dark, shadowy figure, driven by the want for vengance for her family.
Her look:

Her weapons:

Hisoka leant against the trunk of a tree, the forest was quiet around him. There was a long ugly cut across his arm, a reminder of the bounty he had just taken in. He felt weary, so he laid his head against the trunk of the tree and half-closed his eyes.
Sokanon was walking through the woods, bored out of her mind. Suddenly she saw someone leaning against a tree. She went over to see who it was. There was a boy sitting there. He was asleep. She saw the cut and thought, 'Hmm... should I leave him alone, clean his cut while he is asleep, or wake him and then help him clean it? I'll clean it while he's asleep.' She went over to him and started to clean his cut. She finished and jumped up into a tree. She laid back on a branch and drifted off to sleep.
Hisoka had watched through his half-closed eyes as the girl wandered into the clearing. She seemed harmless enough so he didn't bother moving, until she suddenly came over and began cleaning the cut on his arm. His first instinct was to attack her, but he didn't move. He was fairly good at looking after his own wounds, as much as any ninja, but she seemed almost like an expert. So he stayed still as she cleaned it, and watched as she fell asleep in the tree.
Lithe and quiet he scaled the tree, crouching on the branch above her to watch her sleep. He felt that for some reason, he should wait till she awoke to see if he could help her in any way. The casual way she fell asleep right in the middle of the forest kind of worried him, so he slipped back down the tree to stand guard.
Sokanon, who was a very light sleeper, heard a branch creak as the boy landed on it. She opened her eyes. 'Hmm... He didn't attack yet, that's a shocker.' She sat up and looked at him, "So, your awake?"
He peered up at her and simply looked back to where he had been looking before. "I never slept. My turn turn for a question, why'd you patch me up?"
'Whoa, he was awake?' "Well, for one thing, You could have gotten it infected. Another thing, well, there are a lot of animals in these woods that would smell the blood and come to scavenge what they could, had you been a dead animal that is." She hopped down out of the tree and started walking. "Well, see ya.
He was up in a second, catching her by the arm; but not to hurt her just to stop her. "I meant why help me? Isn't the code of ninja's all about looking after number one?"
"I'm not like most ninja. If someone is hurt, I'll help them, ninja or not. I've never agreed with the code anyway.
"Oh really, you're just an angel of goodness aren't you." he said, letting go of her.
He hated people who believed they were perfect, who went around and did petty good deeds to prove it.
"Nah, not really, Some days, I could outright kill someone,or be a downright devil, but lucky you, today i was in a good mood so i decided to be nice."
He turned with a wry smile.
"So why you here anyway?"
"I spend most of my time out here. Sometimes I train, sometimes i just walk. I have no real reason to live in a town, I just do so I can get jobs." She looked at him, "By the way, what's your name?"
"Hmm." he said, looking mock serious.
"My name is Hisoka, and it is my pleasure to meet you. May I know your name?" he asked with a dramatic bow.
Sokanon giggled, "My name is Sokanon and it is a pleasure to meet you to." She paused, "So, where are you headed?"
"Well hello Sokanon." he paused, and his face clouded over.
"I'm not really headed anywhere, what about you?"
"I don't really know. I could go home, but I don't have a reason too. I haven't gotten any job offers. Hey, do you need a place to stay for the night?" She looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to go down. "I have a spare room."
"Hmm, out of work ey?"he paused thoughtfully.
"I myself have loads of work, can you fight as well as heal?"
"Would you like to find out?" She reached to hear side and pulled out her kantana.
"If you can put a mark on me, I'll be willing to bring you along. I need someone to patch me up occasionally." he said, drawing his own katana, and holding the sheath in the other hand.
Sokanon stood ready. She started to lightly bounce on the balls of her feet. She sprang and lunged the kantana.
Hisoka stood very casually, his sword hanging down by his side. he saw the katana coming, and bent his body one way, so he could dodge the strike by centimetres. He then brought his own sword to knock gently on hers.
"Come on, put a mark on me." he said with a slightly mocking smile, intended to make her get serious
She smirked, "If you'll be serious, I'll be serious." She stepped a bit to the side. She pushed her kantana on his, swiftly pulled it back, ducked, and swiped at Hisoka's side. She thought that she felt it hit cloth but she wasn't sure. She pulled the kantana back and held it close to her side. She quickly jumped back and waited.
As soon as the pressure was gone from his sword on hers he launched himself back, but she was quicker. The sword caught on his jacket. He stood and inspected it.
I wasn't fighting at full power, but I wasn't going easy on her. This level is usually enough to take down any normal mark.
Hisoka contemplated to himself quickly, he was an extraordinary fighter, however he lacked any expertise in other areas; such as healing and the finer points of 'natural look' assassinations, such as poisons and such which would be quite helpful to have on his side.
"So, I've decided you could be a good addition to my one man team-" he suddenly froze. He jumped forward silently, wrapping a hand around her mouth and pulling her behind a tree.
Seconds later a group of bandits burst into the clearing, enough of them there to make it annoying. That was the problem with bandits, there were so many they would just swarm over you and there were always two to replace the one you killed. They could be defeated, but it was worthless and took a lot of time.
He let go of Sokanon, turning to leave when over the bandits noise litte children's screams could be heard. It seemed the bandits had prisoners, however hisoka kept on walking quietly away.
Sokanon said, "Wait, where are you going? Those people need help." She turned, not waiting for an answer and ran toward the sound.
"Idiot!" he hissed, sighing in annoyance and quickly folowing after her.
He grabbed her hand.
"Don't be an idiot, we can't waste any time here. Fighting these guys is just going to waste our energy." he whispered urgently.
Sokanon stopped. She gritted her teeth and her clenched her fists. She sighed, "Fine, Let's get out of here before I decide to change my mind." She turned toward Hisoka.
Hisoka nodded, gently pulling her along behind him.
"MOMMY!" a tiny child wailed behind them.
"Shut the hell up." someone roared, and there was the sound of someone being hit. Hisoka's face was hidden from Sokanon as he lead her away, the thin link between their hands never failing.
His face was quiet, tired, and beneath it there was a pain, but it was well controlled.
"We will be out of hearing range soon."
Sokanon winced at the cry. A single tear fell from her eye. She sped up a bit. Once they were out of the hearing range Sokanon took a deep breath. "That's going to haunt me the rest of my life."
Quickly and without warning Hisoka spun round and had a loop of rope around her in an instant. He tightened it up, tying efficient knots in it, and essentially tying her to a tree. "Stay here, ok?" he said with a small smile.
He turned and disappeared back in the direction of the bandits. By the time he was there his katana had long been ready.
Sokanon struggled at the rope. 'What the heck? What was that about? What is he doing? Why the heck did he tie me up?'
Hope the rope stays well enough to keep her away from here, I don't want her dragged into this. he thought to himself.
He stepped out into the clearing where the bandits were.
"Now I've decided to be nice to you today, I've got a lady-friend who didn't like the way you were treating the kids over there," he nodded his head to a group of huddling, frightened and obviously battered children.
"So the deal is you give them back or I kill you all."
The leader stepped up, "And what makes you think, little boy, That you can defeat us all? Boys, let's teach him a lesson. All the bandits stopped what they were doing and started to walk to Hisoka.
-Back with Sokanon-
She finally got the rope loose enough to slip out. She walked in the direction that Hisoka had gone. She got to the clearing they had just left and saw the bandits approching him. She stayed behind a tree, "He knows what he's doing. I'll help it things get tight.'
"Little boy?" Hisoka chuckled, but when he looked back up again his eyes were terrifying. They had seemed cold before, with pain hidden behind them but now they were just full of bitterest deadly bloodlust.
"I really hate it when people call me that."
His sword flashed and he was suddenly fighting. His movements were expert, and he very rarely missed. He was not like other ninjas, who trained in every aspect of ninjitsu. He lived for one purpose; vengence and the destruction of anything and everything in his way.
The Leader saw that this guy was dangerous and tried to sneak away. Sokanon saw this and went after him. She said, "And where do you think that your going?" He turned, 'A little girl, what next, a dog?' He said, "What do you want little girl?" Sokanon growled, "I'm not a little girl, I'm the trickster of the forest." The leader laughed. "Yea, right." Sokanon smirked and transformed into a fox the size of a wolf. She lunged at him.
Soon the clearing was empty of life, except for Hisoka and the children. He smiled reassuringly at them and went to untie them. They smiled hopefully and one began to cry at the thought of being free. Behind him one bandit, who had escaped death by playing possum lifted his throwing dagger, intending to hit the children as revenge. Hisoka turned and in an instant launced himself into the path of the dagger, falling with it lodged in his back.
The one child who had been crying screamed peircingly.
Sokanon, still a fox, walked away from the mess that used to be the bandit leader. She heard the sound of the child and ran back to the clearing. She saw one last bandit approching the kids and saw Hisoka on the ground with a dagger in his back. She launched herself at him and bit his neck. The bandit struggled for a little and then he was still. Sokanon looked back at the kids. She transformed back into a girl and went over to Hisoka. "Hey, are you ok?"
Hisoka groaned, before spasming violently. When he stilled he was well... no longer a he. The form in which he or she could best heal in was her true form. That of a girl, who looked just like a female version of Hisoka except she had fine features. She looked like a noble. She sighed a breath, obviously it was easier to fix everything if she was in her true form.
Sokanon said, "Whoa, wasn't expecting that." She put Hisoka on her back and got the kid together. She got the children to their parents and quickly left to tend to Hisoka's wounds. She took Hisoka back to her house and tended to her wounds. She put Hisoka on a bed and covered her up. She sat down in a chair and thought about what she had learned about Hisoka. Around 1 in the morning she fell asleep.
Hisoka woke with a quiet groan. She sat up, stretching every muscle carefully. As she lifted her arms she saw their slenderness, and then she saw the sleeping Sokanon.
She got up silently, wincing as the pain in her back screamed at her. She had to get out.
Sokanon heard Hisoka get up. She stood up and caught her. "You don't need to be up. The wound on your back will open up again."
"Let go of me." she said in a low and very serious voice.
"It was lovely you know, getting stabbed in the back to save some kids, and I really thought we could have gone far together but as it is I think it's best if you forget the whole thing." she said, snatching her hand away.
"Where is Akuma, my sword?"
Sokanon let go of her. She went into another room. She came back with Hisoka's sword. "Here, I cleaned off for you. You know, you didn't have to do that."
She snatched it and grabbed her coat which was on a chair next to the bed. She stifled a wince as she pulled on the heavy jacket, tightening the many buckles quickly and fitting Akuma to her belt.
"What?" she asked as she tightened straps a buckles.
She had a lot on her jacket, because it was specially made to fit her both when she was a boy and when she was a girl, all she had to do was tighten it a little.
" I just mean, That at first you just wanted to get away and then all of the sudden you turned around and go back to save them. You had a choice in that matter and to rescue them is what you chose." Sokanon sat back in the chair, "Their leader almost got away, but I got out of the rope and was able to catch up to him. I killed him in my fox form..." Sokanon slapped her hand on her mouth. 'Damn it. I shouldn't have said that'
"Yeah, and look what being nice gets you. A dagger in the back, won't make that mistake again." she said, before looking up.
"Now I could comment on that but I won't. You see, I value disgression with the whole morphing thing. Would like it if you did to." she formed a triangle shape with her hands, made it upside down and placed her hands in front of her stomach. Suddenly it was not a girl there, but a boy like Sokanon had first met.
"Lovely to meet you and all but you, busy busy busy things to do, people to kill." he began to walk out, apparently he had forgotten their prior arrangement of working together.
Sokanon sighed. She shook her head and went up to her roof. She watched Hisoka walking off into the woods. The sun had just started to rise, so Sokanon laid back on her roof and watched the sunrise.
~5 years later~
Hisoka leapt through the night, his eyes the only thing not covered by dark material. He stared at the large house in front of him, the tree branch underneath his swayed ever so slightly in the wind.
Inside was his target, a young man sleep soundly next to his newly married wife. His orders were clear, the man had to die and anyone else with him was to die to.
He had been warned that the man knew his life was in danger, so their would probably be another ninja in the house to protect him.
Hisoka leapt silently over to a window-sill, opening the window carefully from the outside. He slipped inside the house, Akuma ready in his hands.
Sokanon was sitting in the corner. She had been assigned to protect a newly wed couple. She didn't know why, but she was just following orders. 'This is so boring.' She suddenly sensed something. She pulled out her kanata and stood up, ready to defend the couple.
Hisoka rolled his eyes, he had an adversary. This would make things annoying, but nothing he couldn't handle.
He tested whoever this new ninja was, by slipping around the shadows in the rooms not allowing himself to be seen however if his enemy had any skill they would be able to sense someone was there.
Sokanon threw a star at a wall and heard it go through cloth. "So, we have a guest."
Hisoka smirked, his sleeve had a slight tear in it. He yanked the star out of the wall, making no sound at all in fact the couple still slept soundly. He inspected it before stepping into the light and holding it out. His mask was still intact, so his identity would not be known.
"Lost something?" he said with a smirk, casually throwing it so that it hit the wall a millimetre away from her head.
Sokanon stopped the star right before it went past her head, "No, you just gave it back." 'Hmm... I guess that i should try that. It will help me see better than normal.' Sokanon's eyes turned into those of a fox. She saw the man and attacked.
Hisoka jumped neatly away, landing out of Sokanon's reach.
"Heh, I once knew a girl who could do that. Ever meet her? Her name was Sokanon." he said, his sword glinting in front of him.
Sokanon said, "Yea, I've met her. What's it to you?" She moved her sword in a defensive position.
"If you get out of here you should tell her that her healing sucks, I've still got a scar on my back because of that." he said, after his words suddenly launching away from Sokanon and towards his target- the sleeping couple.
Sokanon gasped. "Hisoka? Well, if you hadn't left it would have healed properly."
Hisoka's sword clanged against steel. His attention was drawn to Sokanon for a second.
"Sokanon?" he said, before he spun round to look at the couple.
His sword rested against the young man's.
"DIE YOU SHAPESHIFTING DEMONS!" he shouted, before both he and the woman jumped up and approached Hisoka and Sokanon.
"A setup. How tiresome." Hisoka spat, his own sword clashing against the man's.
The woman pulled out a sword and attacked Sokanon. Sokanon thought, 'Well, this sure will screw up my night. To kill, or not to kill? That's the question. And if yes, which way to do it?' She blocked the attack and pushed, with her kantana and sent the woman backward. 'Might as well show them the demon that they want to kill.' She sheathed her sword and transformed into a fox. She lunged at the woman. The woman stabbed her sword,but Sokanon dogged and bit the woman's neck.
Hisoka didn't even ask the question, he dodged the clumsy attack and made a mortal slash on the man's chest.
"Die knowing it was a demon who killed you." Hisoka said with a smile which was very demonic, and plunged his sword straight through the man.
"Sleep well."
Sokanon transformed back into a woman and wiped the blood off of her mouth. She looked down at the dead body. "That's it? That was the fight you gave me? That was pathetic." Sokanon went back to the corner, grabbed her bag, and walked out of the house.
Hisoka sheathed his sword, and walked away as well only to recoil back into the house.
"Dammit." he hissed, there was a ring of ninjas around the house. Both he and Sokanon were very thoroughly surrounded. There would be no way out... Unless they could work together.
Sokanon looked over at Hisoka. She threw down her bag and said, "So, think we can work together long enough to get out of this one?" She pulled out her kantana.
He shrugged. "We worked pretty well together last time if memory serves." he said with a smile. "So what's the plan?"
Sokanon scanned the ninjas, quickly counting them. "You go left, i go right. We wait for them to charge and you can guess what we do next."Sokanon scanned the ninjas, quickly counting them. "You go left, i go right. We wait for them to charge and you can guess what we do next."
"Alright, but we need to meet up afterwards. I need info about whoever hired you. Good luck till then." he said with a smile, before disappearing to the left.
Sokanon smirked. She went to the right. One of the ninja saw her go to the right and charged. Sokanon smiled, 'Right into his death.' "So, you'll be the first to die." She dogged his attack and sent her kantana right through him. The other ninja saw her kill him. The leader said, "Half after to boy demon and the other half with me. We'll take care of the girl demon." Half of the ninjas broke away and the other half charged at Sokanon. She held her kantana ready.
Hisoka allowed himself a chuckle, purposely revealing his location.
"KILL THE DEMON!" they shouted as they rushed at him.
As quickly as they rushed, so they fell. His face was feral as blood spattered him.
"That's right, I'm a demon. I want your blood!" he hissed, causing those who had not been killed to step back in fear. But that would not save them.
Sokanon looked over the ground at the dead bodies. Her demon side had taken over. It was fun killing you. Have a good time in hell. Her demon side subsided. She cleaned her kantana and sheathed it. She headed back to the house and grabbed her bag. Then she walked in the direction that Hisoka had gone.
Hisoka stood in a pile of bodies, his sword dangling loosely at his side. He was staring at the carnage around him... and smiling.
He looked over at Sokanon, and it half-looked like he would attack her next but he instead walked over to her, sheathing his katana.
"Good job. I hope that you killed them all this time."
He smiled wryly.
"When there are no little kids around the big kids play rough." he said with a chuckle. "So, for now we need to find cover and work out why these people are after us. And more importantly, who is after us."
Sokanon said,"Ok, where should we go?"
"I don't know, all my hiding places are too far to get to before sun up. Do you know anywhere we could go?"
"hmm....wait, i do know of one place that is not too far. We'll have to go by tree, but it will be faster. Just follow me." Sokanon jumped into the trees and took off.
He shrugged to himself, leaping behind her. He wasn't as agile as her, but he could manage.Sokanon and Hisoka traveled through the trees for about half an hour. Then she slowed down and hoped out of the trees. She stopped in front of a cave. "This place is protected from people that I don't want coming in. Hurry." She turned and walked in.
He nodded silently, following her with his hand on his sword. He wasn't entirely sure this wasn't a trap, he wanted to be prepared if it turned out she was on the other side.
Sokanon sat down on a rock. "Ok, I don't really get what the hell is going on. I was hired by the leader of my village to protect that couple. But... I sense that something else is going on." Sokanon looked over at Hisoka, "What's your opinion?"
He looked thoughtful.
"I was hired through the mecenary guild, so I have no idea who placed to request. But they want us dead, that is clear enough." he paused.
"I think... they were most likely demon hunters, appears that they've run out of full-blooded yokai so they are coming after half-breeds now." he mused.
Sokanon said sarcastically, "Great, as if I didn't have enough trouble before. Now I have to worry about demon hunters." She sighed. "I might as well just transform and stay in that form for a while."
He shook his head. "I think you in fox form would be a little more suspicious than if you just try to blend in." he said wryly.
"Yea, thats true. And what about you? Wouldn't they be expecting your male form? Well, that depend on how much this person, who wants us dead knows. Damn it...This is too confusing." 'Who could be after us and why?'
He looked thoughtful.
"I know, but it is much easier to fight in this form." he seemed to have a toss up before his body subtly changed, in an instant it was most definately a girl.
"Hmmm, how many people know you have demon blood?"
Sokanon looked up in confusion, "I don't know anyone. I mean, i knew that there are others, but i don't know any of them. I don't even know how I am one."
"You didn't know any others?" he asked increduesly.
"How did you survive?" he asked.
"Well, the first part of my life, I had my parents. Then, they abandoned me. I was seven years old. I learned how to take care of myself. Most of the time I would be in the forest, but I had a home in the village. I really just followed my instincts and managed to survive." Sokanon sighed. She hated her parents.
He raised an eyebrow, before he chuckled.
"Well, since we are story-telling I came from a big clan. I was all set for a simple life as a high-ranking noble when the clan compound was razed to the ground. My entire family was killed except for my father, who is turned out was the one who ordered it. I've been hunting him down ever since, and likewise he has been hunting me." he said with a look of hatred in his eyes.
"So...Your father wants you dead for some reason? That's weird. Well, my parents left me to rot. I guess that both of our childhoods were hell." She took out her kantana and started to sharped it.
Hisoka pulled his face into a scowl.
"I'll tell you why. Because I inherited his cursed blood and I wasn't the male heir he had been hoping for. My powers were... Are stronger than his. The b*****d doesn't like that." he said in anger.
"Yeah, I guess so." he said with a wry smile.
Sokanon sighed, "So, what are we going to do about whoever it is who is hunting us?" "My bet is my father is the one after me, but I have no idea who is after you. We need to stick together, work this out. In fact..." he paused. He had a plan.
"I have been trying to detroy the demon hunters for years, but I can't do it on my own. With another demon though..."
"Sure, I'll help you. If it gets those demon hunters off my back." She sheathed her sword. "Now we need to figure out where these guys are and figure out how to get rid of them." He smiled, a kind of bloodthirsty smile.
"Ok, first we need to wait for them to give up on us. We need to lay low, make them think we died somewhere... Like in the Tamagama Mountains." the Tamagama mountains were a dangerous demon-infested place, anyone who entered there died in its forest of trees.
"If we make it look like they chased us there, they might give up."
"Ok, Just a few questions. What time of the day should we leave? Which forms do we go in? Should we keep switching? And where do we go once we get to the mountains?" "We should leave now, make them think they have us on the run. Go in your fox form, and I in my female one. It will make us more conspicious. We need to lay low for a little, then we'll infiltrate them." he became she as he morphed into a slender tall woman, with a very pale face and large eyes. She was beautiful, in a kind of dangerou way.
"Hahaha, the trickster of the forest is back." Sokanon transformed into her fox form and headed out of the cave. ,Hisoka began running, straight into the open and doing everything she could to draw attention to herself. And sure enough, she got some attention. With swords.
She started running, dodged arrows as she went.
"This is gonna take us half a day to get there, can you run for that long?" she asked Sokanon. Sokanon shook her head up and down. She dogged some arrows. She was just a streak to the other ninjas. She killed one for fun. She snickered and took off again.
Hisoka realised Sokanon was having fun, and wondered why not. She spun round, racing towards the ninjas and hit the nearest one with a spectacular high kick, whilst simulaeously pulling of her pants. Five ninjas stopped dead as that happened, simply 'ogling' her, and fell where they stood, kunai in their heads.
She discarded the pants with a laugh, her coat acting like a shortish dress.
"Men are too easy!" she laughed.
Sokanon killed another. Then she turned around and saw Hisoka. She snickered again. 'Men are just a bunch of perverts.' She streaked back toward Hisoka. She killed a couple more ninja on the way.
Hisoka laughed, "Agreed!" She swerved over to run next to Sokanon.
"We gotta make it look like we are getting tired, and desperate for escape. Can you act?" she asked in a low voice.
'Well, Duh. I like this mind connection thing.' Sokanon purposely started to slow down. She pretended to pant. She slowed to a prance.
Hisoka allowed an arror to slice her arm, and her run began less smooth and measure. Her panting was loud as they reached the montains.
'Ok, I hope you meant to do that. I'll take care of it later. Let's just get out of here.'
As soon as they had ditched their pursuers in the mountains Hisoka stood up, her breathing was smooth and her run smoother.
She chuckled. "You think I would get hit by an archer like that? Please, I had to throw myself in front of his arrow just to get a scratch."
Sokanon snickered. 'Just making sure. Want me to tend to it or are you gonna do it?' "I'll be fine." she said brightly.
There was a howling sound in the distance, and it seemed like suddenly all the light drained away and trees swayed in a nonexsistent breeze.
Hisoka looked aorund. "Last strong-hold of the demons, ey? Home sweet home." she said wryly. 'I feel more at home here than I ever felt anywhere. Wonder what we'll see while we're here.'
Hisoka shrugged. "There's a folk tale, that there is a castle at the bottom of a lake in the middle of this forest, ruled by the kitsune Kurama. He is like, I suppose, the God of Demons. Apparently my kind, shape-shifters were a line of nobles in his courts." she shrugged. "Stories are stories though, who knows?"
'who knows. I mean, a lot of people think that demons are just stories. You never know. Ok, i think that i'm going to travel as a woman for a bit.' Sokanon transformed back into a woman. "Ok, where should we go now that we are here in the mountains?"
Suddenly Hisoka froze, her hair swaying in the direction she had just been about to walk. A man with a kitsune mask appeared in front of them, along with a group of people all armed and also wearing masks. They reeked of demon blood.
"The stories were true ladies, but you missed out one. That no one who enters this forest leaves. That is because we kill humans, and demons never wish to leave the court of Lord Kurama. So either way, please come peacefully with us.'
Sokanon thought to herself, 'Well, what about half-demons. What do you do about them?' She looked over at Hisoka, "I don't see a reason why we should fight them. Besides, i wanna meet this Lord Kurama. What do you think Hisoka?"
Hisoka shrugged. "Couldn't hurt." Hisoka said with a grin.
"Lead on." she said to the masked people, following them through the pathless forest to a large still black lake.
Sokanon followed. 'A lake, wonder if this is where this Lord Kurama really lives. Guess we'll find out.' "Let's go." the masked man said, all of them leaping into the water. As they leaped they morphed into sleek sepernts, which slid into the water and siappeared. "Let's go, then." Hisoka said, leaping over to the water.
"This should be a load of fun." She transformed back into a fox and jumped in. She swam after the other demons. Suddenly a huge fish appeared and swallowed the group, spitting them out before Hisoka could think into beautiful underwater cave. In the middle of the huge cave there was a giant castle.
"Woooooooow." Hisoka whistled. Sokanon shook the water out of her fur, transformed back into a woman, and stared in awe. "Woa, this cave is so beautiful." She paused and looked back at the huge fish before it disappeared. "Didn't expected to be swollowed by a huge fish though, but I guess i should be prepared for things like this." Hisoka looked aorund.
"So where is this Lord Kurama?" she asked rather rudely.
In a more polite manner Sokanon said, "Yes, where is this Lord Kurama?" 'Hisoka, watch it. We don't know enough about these demons or their leader to get on their bad side and live.'
The masked people moved silently towards the castle leading them towards a large hall with a nine-tailed kitsune man with a heart-breakingly beautiful face sat, sleeping it appeared, with long silver hair flowing over his face.
'Yeah, I get it. Sorry already.'
"Lord Kurama." announced the masked people, but the fox demon did not stir.
'Hmm, somehow, I pictured him more demonic.' Sokanon studied his nine tails. 'I wonder how he got so many tails. I wanna know how he got them.'
"Lord Kurama has been sleeping for the last thousand years." the masked man said sadly.
Hisoka walked straight up to the sleeping kitsune and inspected his face. She suddenly recoiled, and she leapt back landing at the other end of the hall.
"Yeah right he is asleep! He said he'd been looking for you Sokanon! What the hell is all this?!"
Sokanon said, "Say what? What do you mean looking for me?"
"How should I know?!" she snapped, looking at Sokanon suspiciously.
One of the men in the masks looked at Sokanon. "Before... In the water... You turned into a fox, I thought you were a shapeshifter... Could it be you are a... Kitsune?" he asked, hopefully.
"Well, yea, I'm a kitsune, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"A kitsune!" there was a ripple through the hall, all murmuring excitedly, when suddenly everyone fell to the ground and bowed in front of Sokanon. Hisoka just looked at this with a confused expression.
The first snake man stood up.
"We though Lord Kurama was the last kitsune, the others were all killed a thousand years ago! Lord Kurama fell into a deep sleep to find any more kitsunes who may have escaped, sending his spirit over the land to search for them."
Suddenly there was a sigh from Lord Kurama's throne, everyone looked up. The beautiful kitsune opened his eyes, revealing mesmerizing ice blue eyes. He stood, his white robes falling and flowing like water around him.
A hush fell over the hall.
"One of my kin, returned to my halls." there was a sound of sheer happiness in his melodic voice. He turned to Hisoka.
"Thankyou, your clan has been so loyal for these years. What his your name?"
"Hisoka of the Shifting Sands Clan, I will reward you greatly. A thousand years ago your family went into the human world, promising me you would search for and protect any kitsunes you might fine, and bring them back to the court. After a thousand years, you have kept your promise, and I will keep my side of the promise also." "Huh-" "Your full powers will be returned to you."
Hisoka was about to say something when Lord Kurama held out his hand, and a shimmering white light gathered in her chest. The light expanded, lifting her off the ground, until it reached every corner of her body. Then Kurama made a short movement with his hand and the light disappeared and she dropped to the ground, being caught by one of the suddenly many demons in the hall.
"I rename you Akira, retainer of the kitsune you brought to me. I have placed a mark on your hand, if you ever betray her, your master, your body will burn into a thousand ashes." Hisoka looked up, all this was moving a little too fast for her liking she thought as she looked at the strange mark on her hand.
Lord Kurama turned to Sokanon, with a blissful smile.
"One of my kin, how my heart sings to see you."
Sokanon was shocked. "I'm so confused. What the hell did you just do to Hisoka? What do you mean that all of the kitsunes were killed? By who?"
He smiled, stepping closer to her tentatively, as though he thought she was a dream. "Your retainer? I returned all of its original powers to it, and placed a symbol of loyalty on its hand." he paused, looking at Hisoka.
"You are quite lucky, this one has very strong blood. I'm sure it will look after you very well." Hisoka stood up, surrounded by other demons. Suddenly her form changed, and again and again, into creatures she had never even seen, as smooth and as quick as water her skin would change into something else. She snapped back to her woman form, looking at Sokanon.
"The Shifting Sands Clan, they are the best retainers a kitsune could have. For centuries they have served us, protecting us. I thought that the last of them died out years ago. They can change their form, to anything they can imagine. It causes them no harm either, changing themselves into something completely different." he looked at Sokanon sadly.
"All my kin, went out of the castle for a festival and were killed by demon hunters who had ambushed them." his white hair blew in an unseen breeze and his tails flicked. His anger was almost tangible.
"Damn demon hunters. They are still a problem today." Sokanon growled. Then she looked over at Hisoka. " What's a retainer?"
Kurama smiled, resting a chilled hand on her shoulder.
"Now that I have the last kitsune back in the safety, we will get rid of these demon hunters. I won't allow them to exsist if they have caused harm to you."
Hisoka grinned wryly.
"Think butler kind of thing, dedicated servant. I apparently exsist only to serve you." " Ok. Hisoka, I promise, I won't treat you any different that I do now."
Hisoka grinned, and was about to say something when Kurama turned to the rest of the demons. "People of this castle, the last kitsune has returned. We will hold a great feast in her honor! Take her and her retainer to a room."
Sokanon looked over at the large kitsune and then back at Hisoka. She shrugged her shoulders and followed one of the other demons.
Hisoka collapsed when the were inside the room, sprawling out with a sigh on the layers and layers of cushions scattered about the room.
"This is so wierd." "Yea, but we can't complain. It's pretty cool." Sokanon looked around the room. "If the rooms are this nice, i can't wait to see the rest of the castle." "Can't complain? Speak for yourself, I just had what felt like a lightning bolt hit my body, I found out I can barely control these new powers, and I've got a symbol on my hand which will burn me into a thousand ashes if i ever leave you." she sighed into the cushions. "Pretty cool." she groaned. "But what about you, Miss Last of the Kitsunes? What do you think?" "Hey, at least now you know that you do have more powers that you can learn to control. Besides, you only burn to ashes if you betray me." Sokanon fell back onto the cushions and sighed. "I don't know what I think. I still have a lot of questions. I mean, what were my parents if i am a kitsune? I mean were they even my parents? If they were kitsune, why wasn't Kurama able to sense them and why did they abandon me?" "Yeah." she said, though she didn't sound very happy about the whole situation. "Who knows, maybe they weren't you parents. Maybe your real parents were killed or something. That would explain why you got left AND why Kurama wasn't able to sense them."
Sokanon said, "It's possible. mabey i can find more about my history while i'm here." Sokanon stared at the ceiling. "I wonder if I could talk to Kurama about releasing you. I mean, i don't want to force you to do something you don't want to."
"Maybe." she said, pretty much sulking.
"Does he seem like the kinda guy who'd let me go? I mean honestly, he seems... obsessed with keeping you safe."
"I don't know. I'll ask him. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I hope he's not obsessed. I tend to do things that are a bit dangerous. Just for fun, but still dangerous." Hisoka rolled over and laughed a little hysterically.
"What the hell happened? We were on our way to kill my dad and BOOM! Hisoka is renamed Akira and made your servant." she laughed, morphing into a little girl with massively long black hair. The little girl laughed and laughed, her voice disturbing. Hisoka, or Akira, whatever, looked up at Sokanon. The hair moved, kind of like spider's legs carrying her over to Sokanon.
"Look at me! Look at what I can do!" she said, laughing as she hung suspended by her own hair in the air. She fell back into her normal form.
"Trippy!" she was clearly losing it.
Sokanon hopped up and went over to Hisoka. She grabbed Hisoka's shirt. "Snap out of it will you. What's gotten into you? Just because we are here, that doesn't mean that we still can't go kill your dad. We..." Sokanon stopped suddenly. She sniffed the air. "Great, we have company coming." She let go of Hisoka's shirt.
Hisoka fixed a strangely insane eye on Sokanon.
"Ok, trying to snap out of it." she said, stretching.
She looked around.
"Hmm, I'll get the door." she said as she hopped up and walked over to the door.
She opened it to reveal...
A young girl was standing at the door. "Um... The feast is ready and Lord Kurama would like the two of you to join him." She bowed, turned and headed down the hall. Sokanon followed after the girl.
Hisoka was feeling kind of strange, the symbol on her hand itched.
"Wait Sokanon! You can't go to a feast dressed like that."
What the hell was she saying? She felt like someone else was inside her head.
"Let me help you." Suddenly she was standing next to Sokanon, and disappeared. Well, she didn't disappear as such. She was on Sokanon, as a beautiful ornate kimono, complete with accesories. "This is mildly wierd." Hisoka said in Sokanon's ear, it appeared she was talking through the earing which had appeared on Sokanon's ear. Sokanon stopped. She whispered, "What the hell are you doing? No kidding, this is beyond weird. I'm going to talk to him about this after the feast." "Don't blame me, I can't help it. My body moves on its own." she whispered back. The girl piped up with a smile.
"It is a lovely dress."Sokanon gave the girl a smile. "Thanks." She whispered to Hisoka, "Ok, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner you can get off of me." Sokanon followed the girl into the Grand Hall. It was packed with demons. She said under her breath, "Great, a crowd. Ughh... this is gonna be so boring. " She sighed. She hated big crowds.
Kurama smiled, raising a hand and parting the crowd to walk to Sokanon. Hisoka almost cacked herself laughing when she realised Kurama also wore his retainer as clothes. "So apparently this is what ya do if you're a retainer." she whispered to Sokanon with a laugh, gently tugging Sokanon to look at Kurama's clothes.
Sokanon saw Kurama's clothes and indeed they were not just clothes. She bowed to Kurama. Kurama extended an ice cold hand, leading Sokanon to the chair right of his. "I am so glad you came."
Meanwhile, two strips of material seemed to float right near to each other, each one coming of one of the kitsune's clothes.
"I didn't know there were any of my kind left." his voice was soft, and quiet, as though he didn't want to disturb Kurama and Sokanon and the other guests.
Hisoka couldn't help but laugh.
"Great way to meet the last surviving member of your race, how did you meet? We were clothes at the time."
Sokanon said, "I am glad to be here Lord Kurama." When his hand touched hers, she shivered a little, but it was small enough that no one noticed. She sat down. She mind linked with Hisoka. 'I heard that little joke. Nice one. See if you two can mind link. It will be easier to communicate and you won't stir up attention.' Sokanon brought the focus back to Lord Kurama.
Kurama smiled.
Hisoka shrugged, well, the peice of material moved a little.
Sorry Master.
Kurama was obviously talking with his servant too, because both strips of material floated towards each other and joined at the ends.
"Now our servants won't bother us." Kurama said with a pleasant smile.
Sokanon mind linked for a quick second. 'Don't call me that. Please.' She disconnected from the mind link. "Servent? She is not my servent. She is my friend. I would appreciate it if you didn't call her that."
Sorry Master. Hisoka teased before the mind link was severed.
"You are very kind Sokanon, but they are nothing more than servants. It is what they were born to be." Kurama said, picking up a pomegranet and cutting it open carefully. "It is touching you consider it a friend."
Sokanon softly growled. It was quiet enough that Kurama didn't hear it. She only picked at her food.
Hisoka said 'Who are you?'
'My name is Hikaru, vassal and retainer of Lord Kurama, who are you?'
'I'm Hi- Akira.'
Kurama smiled at Sokanon
"You look beautiful you know?"
"Thank you." Sokanon gave him a small smile. She looked down the table at all the demons. She saw all types of demons. Bird demons to dog demons to demons that she didn't recognize. 'thats a lot of demons' She thought to herself.
The two shapeshifters had hit it off instantly, both chatting away like they'd known each other forever.
Woah, back up Hikaru. What does Kurama want?
Isn't it obvious? My master hopes to marry Lady Sokanon.
Marry? My... I wonder what she'll think of that.
Hisoka connected to Sokanon for a brief moment, in order to relay this new news.
'Sokanon, be careful kay? I don't wanna have to bust my but to save you from this meglomaniac.'
Sokanon thought, 'Ok, thank you for the warning. I guess i will have to keep my guard up.'
Hisoka returned to talking with Hikaru.
'Marry him? Why, she doesn't even know him!'
'That may be so, but Kurama has been alone for the last thousand years, he needs a companion.'
'He has you doesn't he?'
'... We are just servants.'
'No! We are people too, we have personalities and I'm sure he relies on you a lot! I'm sure- we are more than born to be servants!'
hisoka didn't want to believe this was predestined, she didn't want to think she had been born simply to look after some fox.
Kurama smiled, resting a hand over Sokanon's.
"Sokanon... Do you remember who your parents were?"
Sokanon shook her head. "No, I don't remember anything about my childhood until I was seven." He looked at her with sad eyes.
"So you know nothing? You were never taught? Or looked after?" he said with a deep sadness.
'Who are you Akira? Who are you really? Saying that we can be... equal, with our masters. That- I wish it were so, but it cannot be!'
'Why not?! We have opinions, thoughts. Why can't we be equal with them?'
'Because- I don't know. Akira... Please don't speak like this again. Lord Kurama would not forgive such talk, and I don't want to see you hurt.'
Sokanon shook her head, "No, I was never cared for. I had to learn to fend for myself. Now it doesn't matter because I can take care of myself." 'Hisoka, sorry, but you're going to have to disconnect for a bit. I have to get out of this room.' She stood up. "My Lord, I need to leave for a little while. I need to get out for a bit." She bowed and left the room. She shut the door behind her and went outside of the palace. She found a bench a little way away from the palace and sat down.
'Yes Master.'
Hisoka disconnected, the two bits of material disconnected.
When she sat down Hisoka morphed off her, leaving her normal clothes behind, just like cinderella at midnight.
"Are you ok?" she asked concernedly.
"Yea, i just... I hate talking about my childhood. It wasn't the most pleasent childhood ever as you know and...I just hate those memories."
Hisoka sat silently for a moment, then she looked up.
"Incoming, Kurama and hikaru are coming."
Sokanon whispered "I wondered when he would follow."
Hisoka smiled suddenly.
"Hey, let's blow this place. That party was boring anyways, we should spend a night out." she said mischeviously.
She jumped off the bench and by the time she hit the ground she was in the form of a huge dragon, white like moonlight and big enough to carry Sokanon.
"Ok, i could use the break.
Just as Kurama rounded the corner at a run Hisoka wrapped her tail around Sokanon, and launched into the air, settling Sokanon on her back.
"Woohoo! Let's go higher!" she said in a laughing voice, climbing higher and higher towards the top of the cavern.
"Sure, why not. At least your getting the hang of your powers."
"Come on Sokanon, where is that adreline rush you keep saying you like? Where is your enthusiasm?"
Sokanon grinned, "Ah, what the hell. wahoo. Can you go any faster?" She said in a taunting voice. "Oh, you didn't want to say that." she said with a laugh, shooting forward, so fast that everything was a blur. Just for kicks she decided to do a loop-the-loop. "Fast enough Master?" she said laughing.
Sokanon burst out laughing. "Yea, that was a blast. I bet that Lord Kurama is pretty pissed. But, if he asks. I'll take the blame."
Hisoka laughed. "Ha! I would have loved to see his face!" she said, lazily twirling in the air. Sokanon sighed. "Ok, lets go back down. I wanna transform into a fox for a bit and it's a bit hard to do that in the air."
"Ok." she said with a sigh, suddenly stopping flying and allowing them to plummet towards earth until they were just meters above the ground when she suddenly slowed, landing softly on the ground of a random garden.
Sokanon got off of Hisoka and transformed into a fox. She mind-linked, 'You can go fly some more if you want to.' Sokanon turned and started walking through the garden.
Hisoka looked at her, kind of sadly. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but something in Sokanon's words made her hesitant to. She bowed her scaley head down, nuzzling Sokanon's cheek affectionately for a moment, before launching into the air.
Sokanon just walked through the garden. She laid down under a tree and thought about all that had happened. 'I can't believe that all the kitsunes are gone except for me and Lord Kurama. This is all so overwhelming.' Her eyes started to droop and she fell asleep.
Hisoka flew high over the city, with no real direction.
She was not alone in the skies though, another dragon, Hikaru and Kurama together were following her.
She figured they were after her so as to find Sokanon, so she tried to give them the slip. They caught up to her in no time though.
"Where is she?!" Kurama shouted.
Hisoka kept her jaws firmly clamped.
She felt the bite of a blade on her shoulders, turning too late to see the enraged face of Kurama, holding his bloodied sword out.
She for a brief moment saw Hikaru's sad eyes, before she tumbled out of the sky.
Sokanon jerked awake. She smelled blood. And she knew exactly who's it was. She got up and streaked toward the smell of the blood. What she saw enraged her. Hisoka was on the ground and was bleeding. She saw Lord Kurama and Hikaru standing near by. She ran over to Hisoka and stood next to her, growling.
Hikaru was roughly pushed away as Sokanon stood to protect Hisoka, the bandage he had been trying to tie around the obviously dying Hisoka fell from his hands.
"She-" he began in a anguished voice, only to be cut off by Lord Kurama.
"Silence! Where did you go?!" he said in an angered voice to Sokanon.
"We just went to look around the grounds." Sokanon turned into a woman and turned to Hikaru.She mind-linked with just him, 'Sorry about pushing you away. Please help her.' Sokanon gave him enough room, but still was protecting Hisoka.
Kurama was livid.
"A look?!" he shouted.
"You will come with me right now!" he shouted, grabbing her arm.
Hikaru picked up the bandage, silently bowing his head as he crawled past Sokanon, not even looking at her. It was like he was trying to move whilst bowing in the deepest manner possible.
He bent by Hisoka, wrapping the bandages carefully, though it seemed ultimately futile. She had already lost so much blood.
Sokanon pulled away. "No." She went over to Hisoka and helped Hikaru tend to the wound. She was able to stop the bleeding, but she wasn't sure if it had helped much. She had to get Hisoka help. She got Hisoka onto her back and looked at Lord Kurama. "Touch me again and we'll see how long you keep that hand." She shot off toward the palace before Lord Kurama had time to respond. She got Hisoka to the palace healer and stood guard outside the door, her kantana ready.
Kurama looked at her in disbelief, as she ran away. Hikaru looked as though he wanted to follow, but a glare from Kurama stilled him to his spot.
Inside the palace healer's place Hisoka was dying. She was slipping away. Some great poison had been on Kurama's sword.
The healer came out, looking very morose and bowing his head.
"My lady, I can do no more to help her." he murmured sadly.
"But perhaps..."
Sokanon looked up. "what? I'll do anything to save her. I can't let her die." She stood up and sheathed her kantana.
The healer looked at her apprehensively.
"A... servant with the symbol of 'Kashra', of Complete Loyalty, is incapable of doing a single thing that the master does not want. Often master's give their servants free will, but if it comes down to it master's can exert complete control. I know... I know that you don't want to treat her as a servant... But you have to accept her as your servant, and you as her master, and command her not to die. If you do that, she will be incapable of dying, and the posion will run its course in about two nights."
Sokanon flinched at the word servent. "Fine, if it will save her life." 'Man, i hope she doesn't get mad.' "Servent, I command you not to die."
Hisoka contorted for a brief moment, spasming violently before she lay perfectly still.
The healer hurried over to her side, resting his almost translucent hand on her chest. He looked at Sokanon in wonder.
"I have... heard of the symbol of Kashra, but I have never actually seen one. It is amazing, you see for yourself. Her heart was barely beating a moment ago, but if you listen to her heart now it is as strong as mine!"
Sokanon went over to Hisoka and put her hand on her heart. It was beating strong. She saw the mark as well. She fell back onto the floor and sighed in relief. 'Thank the Lord. She'll live.'
"Thank the Lord? Lord Kurama?" the healer said in confusion.
Sure, everyone respected and followed the Lord, but why thank him? He was a dangerous, crazed ancient.
"Hmm.. No, i just heard about this in a human town. I guess i just got used to it and subconsciously remembered it."
He looked at her strangely before wrapping his cloak around him.
"I'm sorry, I must go now. If Lord Kurama finds me here..." he left it to her imagination, before scurrying out into the darkness.
Sokanon got up and pulled a chair up to Hisoka's bed. 'I will protect you, i promise.'
-time lapse to the morning-
Hisoka murmured something softly, shifting slightly for the first time in the whole night. She opened her eyes, she felt like crap.
Sokanon looked over at Hisoka. "Your back in the palace. How are you feeling?"
"I feel like crap." she said, propping herself up into a sitting position.
"What happened?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but i smelled blood and ran to the scent. When i got there, i saw you on the ground and Lord Kurama with his sword out and it had blood on it. Hikaru helped me tend to the wound and i got you to the palace."Sokanon sighed, "I never should have let you go and fly. You wouldn't have gotten hurt."
"Oh... It's all coming back to me." she said, making a face.
She tried stretching her back slightly, only to yelp as a searing pain ripped across it.
"So, Lord Kurama sliced me and tried to kill me, and then he just let you take me back into the palace?"
Sokanon said,"Well...I ran over to you and was guarding you. He asked where we had gone and I told him. He tried to drag me away, but i pulled away at turned to care for you. I got you on my back and said to him. 'Touch me again and we'll see how long you keep that hand.' and ran off. He hasn't come to look for me since, but i don't think that this will last long."
Hisoka looked at her for a moment, before collasping back into the bed with sigh.
"How are we gonna get out of here?" she groaned.
"I don't know. We'll have to find a way. You just rest for now. I'm going to need your help to get out."
Hisoka suddenly laid down very quickly, perfectly still, closing her eyes.
"Yes master." she said, only having the briefest of moments to register her own surprise at her words before she fell asleep.
Sokanon got up and went back to guard the door. She sat down and pulled out her kantana.
Kurama was angry, so angry that the throne room seemed to grow dark and flicker with angry shadows, and thing threads of red light would flash through the air occasionally.
Kurama sat, brooding on his throne.
"Hikaru!" he called, waiting for his faithful servant to appear.
"Yes my lord?" Hikaru said, undaunted by the strange lights. He had seen Lord Kurama angry before.
Kurama looked incredibly angry for a moment, before he slumped in his chair.
"She ran from me! Why? I gave her everything she could possibly want!" he said in a miserable tone, like a young prince wounded by an unfaithful lover.
Hikaru looked at his master almost disbelievingly. So Kurama had never been the most popular Lord of the Lake, nor had he had great people skills. But who on earth could he be unaware of how much he was... well, bullying Sokanon?
"I gave her a servant, a feast, a room, I even disciplined her servant for her so she wouldn't have to dirty her hands!" he continued.
Hikaru shook his head softly, this was unbelievable, but not that he could say that. Kurama would probably kill him on the spot if he said anything.
"I do not know my lord. Perhaps she is just not used to live here yet." he said.
Kurama scowled.
"Why not?! She was born to live here!"
"Lord I do not know." Hikaru said firmly.
Though Kurama had lived for over a thousand years, he was still a child. He had never even left the lake, and had no wife to make him grow up. Hikaru shook his head almost despairingly.
What did I do to get such a stupid master?
Sokanon could feel Lord Kurama's anger. 'If only he would see how much of a b*****d he is.'
Far away from the cavern, in another large cave at the other side of the lake a very different group of people lived. Their cavern was not made of natural granite, as Lord Kurama's was. Their cavern was carved beautifully, out of almost luminescent, softly blue, stone. Instead of an impressive European castle, a Chinese town was built around a single tall jade tower.
And from that cavern, something suddenly sped through the water. Something coming towards Lord Kurama's domain. Hikaru vaguely noticed the presence of something strange inside the cavern, but he was too busy trying to calm and control Lord Kurama's tantrum to pay it much notice.
That something made it's way through the sleeping city all the way straight to Sokanon and Hisoka, like it had been looking for them all along.
Something, human-shaped approached through the shadows towards the guarding Sokanon.
Sokanon sensed the thing in the shadows and said, "Whoever is there, you might as well come out because if you don't and i find you, you will die." She stood up and readied her weapon.
A person, beautiful in a porceline kind of way appeared. He had long green hair, and an aura of calm and beauty.
"Forgive me, I did not mean to startle you." he murmured softly, bowing his head.
Sokanon slightly lowered her kantana. "Who are you? Why are you here?
The man tilted his head.
"My name is Hebu, and I come from the Blue Cavern." he said softly.
"I come in the name of Kumo-hime, she would like to see you."
Sokanon said, "Why does she want to see me?"
"She wishes to see both you and child of the Shifting Sands Clan." he said simply.
"Will you come?"
Sokanon sheathed her kantana. "I guess so." She walked over to Hisoka and shook her awake. "Hey, do you think that you can get up?"
Hebu smiled, he seemed even more handsome than Kurama. And he didn't have near the temper.
"Thankyou very much." he said, leading them out to the edge of the cavern.
Hisoka looked up, she was tired as all get out, but she felt pretty much fine. She swung her legs out of the bed, and upon finding them too weak to walk on, transformed her hair to long thick tresses which she used to walk around like a spider with, floating a touch above the ground.
"I'm fine." she said, catching up to Sokanon.
Sokanon looked over at Hebu, "Alright, let's get out of here."
To be continued in next entry.