A hummer rolled down the streets of New York. Buildings flashed by with windows broke and signs bent over. The rode was covered in trash and debris. The sidewalks were empty......no one in site. "What are you going do do when you get home" asked Private Mark.
"Bang my wife" answered Sergent Docks.
"Thats real nice Docks real nice" said Private Jack.
"Oh I should be so great......what are you going to do when you get home" asked Docks.
"I just want to hold my baby girl" said Jack as he looked down smiling under his gas mask.
"Awwwwwww how sweet......you crying son of a-"
"Hey drop the cussing....i don't like it" said Jack.
"Sorry i forget you hated that" said Docks laughing.
"Oh shut up"
BOOM a crash hit the side of the hummer sending it flying into a flip. The hummer landed on its side. "What the hell" said Sergent Docks crawling out of the truck. Docks looked down the empty street.
"Nothing hit us" said Docks as he looked under the truck to tell the others.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed a zombie jumping off the top of the truck and landing on Docks.
"OH SH-" Docks was stoped when the zombie bite him. More of the infected started to run from down the street, the smell of blood called to them.
"GOD" yelled Private Mark as he grabbed his gun and started to shoot out of the flipped over hummer. He hit 3 zombies not doing any damage to them they just kept running.
"GET OUT YOU IDIOTS" said the driver of the hummer as he rolled out with his gun. The driver started to shoot. He hit one of the infected in his legs sending it to the ground. The whole platoon rolled out of the truck and started to fire at the zombies. The zombies got closer even thow they got hit they kept running. "Let them die" said Mark throwing a grenade at the infected. A few were hit sending them flying in the air killing them.
"Six down" said Jack as he fired more.
"There slowing down" said Mark as he let down his gun. Then three of the infected came from behind and jumped on Mark and bite him. Jake shot the zombie but it kept eating. The other zombie came running to Jack. Jack got up and ran away. The ran faster then him. He was getting tired as he ran to a small market store. The infected kept running after him following him into the store. Jack jumped over the store counter and got on his knees. He breathed threw his gas mask as he pulled out a grenade. The zombies stopped sniffing the air. They looked for him as one got close to the counter. Everything was quite no sound just the foot steps from the infected. "RAAAAAAAAAA" yelled Jack as he threw the grenade over the counter at the zombies. There was a loud bang and Jake blacked out.