“I know, right, talk about lucky,” replied Jarrett’s friend Chase.
Jarrett rolled down the window to get his camping lot number.
“Hey, you should have a reserve for Jarrett Carnent. I’m the one who won the contest that lets me stay here with a friend for 2 days.”
Jarrett looked at the clerk in the tiny box office. He had baby blue eyes that where somewhat covered by his sandy blond hair. He was medium build and looked to be 5’11. The name tag on his uniform said ‘Chris.’
“Oh! Right. Your lot number is 15.” He stated smiling.
“Thanks” Jarrett nodded his head and started to roll up his window. But before he could...
“Wait! I forgot to tell you something!” Chris shouted.
“Oh? What is it?” asked a curious Jarrett.
“Well I just wanted to tell you about the night rules. For our camper’s safety, we recommend that you shouldn’t go out after midnight. But if it’s an emergency than take a flashlight and a friend if possible. And the most imprinted thing, no matter what stay on the path.
“Uhhh... o.k. sure thing” Jarrett said weary. Then started to drive off not bothering to put up his window this time.
“’no matter what stay on the path.’ What does that dude think, that where 4 or something?”
“Relax, Chase, this is a little holiday where taking, let’s not get in trouble for the one night where here. Besides what could happen in 1 night?” Jarrett patted his friends shoulder, and then reached out to turn on the radio.
‘And in, *static*......... killer escaped jail, * static *......... blue eyes and close to 6’feet. * static *....’
“Ahh man the radio doesn’t work out here!” moaned a board Chase who was tired of the device case all it did was creating static.
“Where here!” sang Chase, happy to finally be able to get out of the car. Looking for something to do, he started to unload the tent so he could pitch it.
“Ya, it’s quite pretty isn’t it?” Jarrett said stretching out.
Jarrett and Chase quickly got their camp set up. Wall doing so their camping neighbour could hear their annoying voices and went over to have a look at them. His name was Mickey he had dirty blond hair, dark blue eyes and stood at 5’11½.
He took a good look at Chase first. He looked 17 and was 5’10. He had raven blue hair that was longish. He was medium built with fair skin.
Then Mickey looked at Jarrett. Jarrett was also 17 and stood at 5’10. His skin was a bit darker than Chase’s. And his hair was died a caramel color.
Before Mickey was spotted, he went back to his camp site.
`Latter that night at 1:15am`
“I can’t sleep” Chase stretched out like a cat and yawned. “I need to pee.” He looked over at his friend which was in a sleeping state that resembled a log. Then he looked at his watch. “Hey, Jarrett carrot wake-up.” Chase shook his friend’s shoulder.
“All right ummm...... I’m uuup...” Jarrett mumbled.
“I have to go, so grab the flashlight and let’s go.” Chase said getting out of his sleeping bag.
“Fine.” Jarrett yawned, reached for the flashlight then got out of his sleeping bag.
Once the 2 got out of the tent they started looking for the path. Remembering the clerk’s rule. As stupid as they thought it was, there was no point in getting in trouble for the one night that they were there for.
“Instead of fallowing the yellow brick road, where fallowing the grey-blue rocky road.” Jarrett yawned again. Unaware of the blue eyes fallowing them. Suddenly the 2 boys heard a rustling soon followed by a snap. They turned to look at each other.
“It sounded like something big” Jarrett said in a shaky voice.
“It’s just a deer or something like that is all.” Chase stated his voice an active higher.
“Ya, you’re probably right.” Jarrett took a deep breath, and then let it out. “But let’s go check just in case.”
“But that means going off the path.” Chase eyed the darkness.
“At this moment, I don’t care about the ******** path.” Jarrett put on a brave face. Out of nowhere the flashlight’s batteries died.
Then the 2 guys heard a menacing laugh coming from behind them. Their eyes bulged.
“Hey Jarrett.”
Jarrett looked at Chase. “Ya dude?”
“I don’t have to pee anymore.”
“I think that’s the least of our worries.”
The 2 looked at each other and could tell what the other one was thinking. They booked it. The 2 ran blindly through the darkness. And, off the path. The boys could hear the laugh echoing through the woods every which way. In 5 minutes time, you could hear their screams and shouts of pain.
The other campers complained about the racket and called the police. When they looked around the area, they found the 2 bodies of Jarrett and Chase. Jarrett had at least 50 gashes. And his heart was carved out and put in his hand. Chase had his legs hacked off and an axe was jabbed in his stomach when the officers got the place cleaned out, they found nothing, no evidence or clues. Little did they know there was a single strand of sandy blond hair.