Ebony Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top -get
Sky Blue Tavern Wench's Blouse -kelly
Sora Furisode-mikoy
Tonbo Furisode-kelly
Kelly’s hair is 1680g (girls silken blonde)

What vampire are you?&a href="http://www.the-n.com/quizzes/quiz/3411"&<img src="http://www.the-n.com/media/quiz/badges/vampire_quiz/bat.gif" border="0" />&/a&
You are a vampire, but one that consists of denile shame for what you are, you try and live life normaly, feeding on animals, but living in the shadows, you regret your gift from ever coming to you. You are constantly in a state of sorrow and self pitty, so a tip for you would be is, don't be ashamed, there are much worse things out there than being a vampire, and if you use your gift correctly you could live a normal as can get, happy life, but if you stay in the shadows any longer you will become one your self.
Your mood ring is gray.
When your mood ring turns gray, it's usually a sign that you're very nervous or worried about something. If your whole head feels as cloudy as this swirly gray stone, it's probably because you're so distracted that you can't think clearly. We hope everything (your stone AND your life) looks brighter in a few hours.
The good, old Gun! Killing quickly and not too much work, that's your thing. Unpersonal but in a dangerous situation, you wouldn't flirt anyway, you have to defend yourself! And the gun is a good protector!
You would wield a sword; practical and elegant.
You Can Talk to Animals!
simple plan translation
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Naruto shippuden episode 023 father and mother