Yes, a creepy fangirl like me always and I mean ALWAYS have to have her own fav Yoaoi couple, like my dear twin/little sister in rl and in Gaia T3f3r and her KuroxFai couple. Well....I like and will always love......KakaxIru! I just don't know why I thik it's because of 'Water' the doujinshi I read. That was so sexy how she drew Kakashi....and Iruka looked cute...but together.....-nosebleeds- Muahahaa......anywho as I was saying! -wipes blood off- I'm thinking of having my very own cutesy show with interviews and stuffies. I of course is going to put it in my Journal though, I have no idea when the little update thingys will be though. I will have to post things up. But my little interveiws are going to be called......'Otaku no Yen' after my dear Roku-sensi's manga. She's too awesome.... but anyways.....it's going to be based on Anime, Manga, Japanese things like cookies, candy, pocky, to Volks and a bunch more!!! My friends are going to be in it too. Just wait Gaia!!!!! -holds finger up- Soon you're lovely neighborhood Otaku Anbu Ichigo will be famous among the Journal entries!!!!! Se ya laterz! Anbu Ichigo here and out!
((behind stage))
Shoot! I forgot to add the Yaoi picture!!!! Great more time looking on stuupid photobucket again.....

Ok......fine if they're still reading then here.......

Ain't that cute??!?!?!?!!?!! Omigod they're so cute and hot together!!!!!!!

heart It makes you feel all nice and warm inside! heart
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