Hey, Kids! Guess Who's Tired?!
That would be me. Yes, very good. Go ahead and get yourself a gold star or a freaking cookie.
As you may or may not know, I started high school about a month ago. I know what you're thinking: "Ohmigosh! Julia! Are the classes hard, is it fun, do you like it, is there too much homework, blah blah blah blah blah?" The answer would be no. To all of it. The classes are, (as bitterly expected) too easy. I've currently resorted to getting up at 5:00 just so I can try to really learn something on my own with the computer. So far it's actually not going so horribly. Not great, but not so much that I want to kill anyone, which believe me is much better than I expected. The only problem with this is I was EXHAUSTED before, and now? Ugh. But whatever, I'm actually learning something-that's all that really matters to me right now. Another reason I'm particularly tired right now is that I pretty much stayed up all night trying to read my damn Biology book cover to cover for the test I had today, only to realize it was a test on mean, median and mode, the math thing I learned-and most people learn (math is not my strong suit.)-in the 6th grade.
Normally I wouldn't have studied-I don't think I ever really have. I'm a fairly decent student, and I know I could be about 2ox better in all my classes, but to be totally honest, with the exception of getting a credit, only Biology is important to me. It's the 10th grade science at my school (Psychical Science is the 9th). It means in the 10th grade I'll take Chemistry, which I also have to get an A in so they'll let me go on to Psychology or-better yet-AP Psychology. (College-level course only for the true egg heads. n.n)
More later.