As privileged as I find my self and as much as I have in life, I have the sinking feeling that life has been out to get me for sometime. Lurking around every corner has been disappointment and heart break. Always felt left out at my own party. Everyone talking about so many fun things that I want for myself. A conversation I can not contribute to and am too polite to interrupt. I've felt like I've been waiting for my life to start. And here it is, taking the first step in a strange new world. Its a journey to which every nerve in my body tingles at the thought. I fear it, leaving home, yet I can't help but embrace it.
If you are unaware, I will be attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. That is just an hour and fifteen away from home. I will be not only attending school but living there. Now I've never been one to get home sick, but I already feel a longing for the walls I've spent my entire live behind. Can I ever feel truly safe in the city. But I try. I honestly try to look past that. This is a wonderful opportunity. To pursue a career path I have such a passion for, to room with a friend I've had for most of my life. Home is just a phone call away and I can be there when ever needed on weekends.
Though I have these reservations, there is truly nothing to fear and I know this.
As Elphaba so boldly sang "Something has changed within me Something is not the same I'm through with playing by the rules Of someone else's game Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep

So I'm off to Defy Gravity. Untill next time...
xMoonsaultx · Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 04:55am · 0 Comments |