Total Value: 3,265,669 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue Fur-Trimmed Underwear
Furugasa 3rd Gen.
Angelic Pendant
Angelic Microphone
Inari's Beads 8th Gen
Inari's Beads 6th Gen
Aoi Cache Shades
Winter Rose
Winter Rose
Fallen Wish
Lunar Hairpin
KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoX
Angel Imp Plushie
Celestial Wrap
Felicia's Wise Gown
Lunar Cloak
this is my dream avi... if anyone would like to help me out i would most definitely tell the entire world on wat an encredible person u are... and i would also tell them u u deserve more respect than any human being on this planet! i will most definitly add u as a friend too! if u help me i help u.. thats how i work! so if u dotate something to me i will most definitly try to help u with ur dream avi...... its only fair right?!
Community Member
That avi looks cool, I want to help! I buy something off your list i dont have a lot of gold right now but hmm lets see.........