{{ As you have noticed, I made yet another dream avatar.. But everything I have on there is for a reason... Heheh man I am SO mellodramatic right now... ^^; I'm just scared ya know? I don't know just... I know no one reads these things but Fayt if you do, then keep reading... }}
{{ I made this because well, Im freaking out... And just, I'm very used to when this happens:: My parents isolating me for a period of time... The one I wanna be with in the end of it all, the one I wish waited for me... Always leaves me, abandons me... I know you can be different but you never know, ya know? There's just so many things that could go wrong... And so many things that could go Right... I'm scared of what the future holds. I admit it.. I had a dream the other night... You know I rarely dream at all when I sleep... Even rarer for me to make out the faces of people... I saw your face... I saw it clearly, and I knew it was you... I couldn't sleep the rest of the night last night... I saw you... And I feel it means SOMETHING...! }}
{{ I made this because well, Im freaking out... And just, I'm very used to when this happens:: My parents isolating me for a period of time... The one I wanna be with in the end of it all, the one I wish waited for me... Always leaves me, abandons me... I know you can be different but you never know, ya know? There's just so many things that could go wrong... And so many things that could go Right... I'm scared of what the future holds. I admit it.. I had a dream the other night... You know I rarely dream at all when I sleep... Even rarer for me to make out the faces of people... I saw your face... I saw it clearly, and I knew it was you... I couldn't sleep the rest of the night last night... I saw you... And I feel it means SOMETHING...! }}

Total Value: 109,277 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Just because, you know..?
Black Rose Band
I thought it'd be romantic... Like him...
Superior Form
"We'll fall in love... Just like Jack and Sally..."
I passionatly LOVE that movie, oh my god, Nightmare Before Christmas... Dx
Broken Heart Mood Bubble
Because I am broken hearted without you.. -See Silver Chain-
Frustrated Mood Bubble
Agrivates me - My parents. D<
Fox Tail
Because I know my baby fox is always going to be with me.. I hope.. I wish.. I dream he will be~ ^^
Red Cat Collar
I never take it off... It's the first thing my first slave ever got me...
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Earrings
Again, Just because, ya know..?
Doll Ears
.. This one I think to show the child within me...
Black Fishnet Stockings
Hahahah, Fayt if you don't know why with this one, then you truely are a clueless little ********. XD - Take that however you want~ -
Dog Tags
... I remember him telling me about the dog tag's he wears, and how they mean the world to him... They are to prove that I listen when he speaks.. I learn from my mistakes... I try... I really do...
Lex's Dark Top
Just to go with the outfit... To cover the hidden secrets underneith.
Chain Link Belt
I LOVE CHAINS~!!! --Sorry... @_@ -- Also I think I remember him saying something about his having one too... o.o; In his room I think.. @_@
Silver BFF Heart Chain
This, because... heh, he holds the other half of my heart.. He truely does...
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
.... Figure it out... -__-;
Light Tanbark Leg Warmers
Uhm, the 80's? Tripindicular..! ;DD
Charred Tundra Boots
Big feets is love beyotch.. >w<;;
Spinal Back Tattoo
Yeah, I grew a spine. And I'm not afraid to show it either... Too bad you can't see it...
Black Tribal Torso Tattoo
Not too sure why, I think it's to emphansize the upper body..? xP
Gold G Chest Tattoo
... G as in, not gaia... Gouverneur... On my chest because it's under the shirt.. Over my heart, hidden, but close and dear to me...
Morgana's Gloves
... Tattered, like soul... I don't even think he understands what that's supposed to mean yet even... Shame...
GO Phones
My love for music is now able to show..~
Rock Hard
Wings for a guardian angel..? =3
{{ That's about it... Please PM me or IM me when you read it if we are still able to talk... }}
~*~ Bunny ~*~