It's a really funny thing, isn't it?
Actually.. what is this thing? what is it?
What is its complicated part that I couldn't understand..?
-> be able to imagine that something can be true..
maybe it's..or.. wait!
I'm looking for it in my dictionary now (I'm "really" doing this.. XpP)
it says "to feel that something is true"
Hmm..when you're reading this it sounds like it's an easy thing but I can never do this.. it's weird..
I always "believe" that "If you believe in yourself you can do (or have) anything" but I'm thinking about it now..and actually this is the thing that I always do. I always believe. I always try to believe. I dream about something all the time and I hope. but ..
The more I believe, the less I gain.
I think there is only one explanation: "I don't know the meaning of believe.."