Love- A feeling in which is no more than Hate mixed into more. Love is not natural, for we do not know love without hate itself.
When I looked at Seth, Seiji, whatever I call him, I was stunned. After the concert, I was walking out, and I was tapped on the shoulder as I headed to my car. I turned on the heels of my platform boots. "yes?" I asked. Then, I noticed, it was one if the guitarists... K! "Hello," He held his hand out in delight. "I am K, guitarist of moi Dix Mois." I was shocked. "... To make a long conversation short, Seth needs to see you for some reason. Please come." I followed him to a wall. It was tall, and had one door. K opened it with a key and held it opne. As I walked in, there we're 4 men sitting at a table. Seiji got up and walked to me. "Has it really been all these years?" He asked. The room was silent except for the ticking clock, endlessly passing time tward the future. Future... That was it. I realized this future was destined, I thought as I began crying. Seth looked in confusion as I whispered quieter than a robber "Future..." And with noting else, I threw my arms around him in joy. Sugiya, the bassist, stood in joy and clapped. Mana, the other guitarists slapped him. I felt seiji's tears fall ever so gently onto my shoulder as we held eachother. We pulled away and looked at eachother. His face looked strange, his makeup messed. His bangs of red and black no longer covered his beautiful eyes, his eyeliner running down his white-painted face. His eyes we're slightly red from crying, and he was smiling a little. "It's really you..." He cried in joy. I nodded. "It is..."
Hate- A truly sad feeling you get when you are no longer close to someone. This emotion holds a gentle embrace around the others, as I did to Seiji just then, and the night.
Future- What is destened to be.
Seiji seemed he could not stand it anymore. I knew it was true when the words came from his lips. "I'm already dating." He straight out said. "I'm sorry." I froze. "You should be..." I sighed in anger. He looked in confusion. I held up my hand and slapped him across the face. "We we're destiny! I waited all these freakin' years to someday see you again Seiji! I was all alone for the prom, when Yoko went on dates, asking me to double date, I waited for you! I looked everywhere, and I find you as a famous singer, and you STILL couldn't hold it!?" I yelled as Seiji looked in sorrow. "I loved you! I waited for more than 20 years and you probably couldn't last a day!" I took one breath and seiji put his hand on my face. "Listen, im sorry," "Dont say that." I pulled away. "Don't!" I ran out the door in anger. K looked back. "Wow," Hayato, the drummer, replied. "You made a girl cry." K looked in sorrow and chased after me.
Truth- What I knew Seiji could never show. Truth is something someone holds, and he just let go of it the minute, no second I saw him.
Hate- No words any longer from my heart describe hate.
... Hate...
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Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me
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Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me