*Groans* Yes, I know, I know. A section that many hate, yet I personally find amusing ^-^ Sooo, if you have a spare minit, why not read what I've written?
You should donate to me because if you do Gir (

I am currently questing for....
D-tail?!?! eek eek
<falls over>
What the hell was I thinking?! ....



Did you make me want the d-tail?

..... What do you mean you don't know?! You've gone Too far this time Gir!

o.o Ack! No, Gir, don't cry! You'll make me feel guilty!

Please help Gir

Achieve our quest for the d-tail 3nodding ...If you want to, that is.
It will make Gir very happy.

<gives up on Gir>
Which, in turn, could make Dib happy

....Oooookay then....
Please help us on our quest for d-tail-ey-goodness?
Now Gir, say goodbye to the nice people

.....<sighs> close enough....

((I, er, apologise if that message is annoying &/or confusing. 3nodding I am currently questing for a d-tail. I would very much appritiate any help towards my quest. My thanks for reading this & my apologies for wasting your time.))