I hope my last entry did not scare anyone. I was just really upset about lossing the man I love to another women. Throughout all the fightin and arguing with him though I came up to say, and decided:
All this time. All this time........... I thought Andrew was my enemy. that he was the biggest fat a** jerk in the world............... but now i understand. now...... now i see the truth............... i see who the biggest fat a** jerk in the world is............. and i'm talking too him. how could i not............ see it............ or is it perhaps that neither of you are............ but that my heart and mind are to weak or to naive to understand. is it possible that i was filled with so much hatred towards the male sex because they always did the same thing to me................. break my heart............ denied me there love........... my heart may yern for it.......... but i never get it because there is no man on this earth or any other world that ............. loves a girl who is too easily.................... heartbroken.................... to easily angered................ or ...................... cry .............. or................... on the verge of never ......... understanding anything. No one............. not even a fantasy person................ could love someone........... who just isn't meant to have love........ because god created her that way. god created me............. and made it too............ where i wasn't.......... meant to ........... have ............. love
I wasn't meant to have true love. or anything dealing with true love. I was meant to always be alone. No matter what.
So either way .............. in the end............. I still lost the battle for love, as I always do. No love is meant to ever come to me. Nor will I get to ever have the feeling ever feel my heart.