-- Just for the record, I havne't quit. I'm just busy (: There nothing to worry about; Everything is becoming better. it's all turning around <3
Nevin; I love you. I haven't forgotten you. Dont worry; ! Im sorry i couldn't be here, like you wanted me to. =/ I wont ever be able to change that. You never did anything to hurt me; Never have you wanted to see me down. You were always the first to pick me up when i was down. My last, My only ! It's hard being away from you, but there's nothing i can really do. I just want you to know that I'll love you no matter what. Just think of this as an obstacle you'll have to overcome; I know that not seeing me on, hurts you babee.. But i'm not doing it on purpose. I do promise that i'll make up for the times we missed. <3 No one can compare to you, Nevin. I'm happier than I've ever been because of you. && it's true; I really did fall inlove with you. Now, every second that passes by and I'm not with you, it tears me apart.. Because i know that the only thing you want to do is have your arms around me tight each day. (: you'll get that ! it'll just take some time; But everything we've been through; The memories we made && shared. It was all truee <3
Im forever yours; --Alicia F O R E V E R W A I T I N G F O R Y O U
i t s y o u i m t h i n k i n g o f
He said: I'll Love you endlessly, if you promise to stay with me. MARK YHURR` CALENDARS; ♥
August 18th ~ i Go back to SCHOOL
September 1st ~ Sing happy birthday to Amii [14th]
September 5th ~ Alicia && Nevin's 5 Monthh <3
September 7th ~ Sing happy Birthday to Nevin [16th]
if you have any special days coming up; Let me know ! Keep me updatedd <3