My dad hit me yesterday...hard. I went to my dad's promotion. me being a rightful daughter cheered him on. See, he's a Captain now for the Fire Department. And then wen we got home....oh im crying again. wen we got home we ate with jordans family(her grandma grandad older sister and aunt and her uncle) me jordan and sydnee ate in the dinig room cuz there was no room in the kitchen. then all we heard was screaming and happiness or something. we all ran inn the kitchen to see what happened(me jordan and sydnee) and i saw jordans mom hugging my dad. then it turnned out that my dad asked jordans mom to marry him....*sniff* i was crushed inside and outside. I ran upstairs and said i was just going to the bathroom. i was crying my eyes out. i didnt like jordans mom not one bit. i couldnt stand her as it was being there on and off days So i called Karra and told her the bad news. She conforted me and said that just let this one go thru and i knew what she meant. It meant for once i couldnt do anything about this bad situation. I couldn't live with my mom becuz my dad is paying my tuition. And i know my mom wouldnt be able to pay off 10,00 bucks for me and sydnees tuition. But i realized that i couldnt do anything and that hurt me alot. now i'd have to like live with her. i still live with my mom but like everytime im over there. I mean i liked the way things were now that i think of it. my dad having my little sis out of wedlock with jordans mom. we werent officialy step mom and step daughter. now i am. its a whole lot of things wrong with that. 1. i dont like jordans mom at all 2. my dad didnt even talk to me and sydnee about it 3. i aint going to no damn wedding so he can forget about that. I didnt tell my mom that they are. I dont think they can though. My mom and dad are still married but just seperated. and i dont want anyone i mean anyone mistaking me for jordans mom's daughter AT ALL! cuz she aint my mom. i just cant believe this. it is now 11:00 at night and there is one hour until jordans birthday. AAWW! we always have a big birthday for jordans bday but 4 me and syds we inly get a small one. to tell u the truth. i want to spend my bday with loved ones. like my mom my bff sydnee and karra. and evryone else. anyway back to my dad and j's mom. now its like i have no say in this. at all. so i was talking to karra on the phone and i heard jordan coming up the steps so i told karra that id call her back. jordan didnt know that i didn t like her mom. but it turns out she knows now. after my dad told me and sydnee to come down stairs to tell us he's marriying j's mom, i went back upstairs and called Karra back and said alotta mean stuff. i said "Whats the point my dad is just gonna cheat on her like he did my mom " and alotta other stuff. then jordan comes thru the doorway pretending that she was looking for someone. then she left. i know she heard me. cuz she just came out of the blue. scared me a little at first. but oh well no she knows. after everyone left, i go tin my pjs (a big tshirt and shorts) and wen down in the basement where sydnee was playing her ps3 well watching youtube videos on it using internet access. we just talked about what happened and stuff. i love sydnee we can relate to anything we have a problem with. we can go on for hours talking about school, and anything else. So while she wasnt looking i went in the back of the basement to the minifridge and the bar where my dad keeps his acohol and took a beer out of the frige and drunk a bunch of it. it had a lime taste to it and it was soda like. i took about 7 gulps of it. and theni put it back. it was already open and halp of it was drunken so no1 would no i drunk some. i knew it was wrong but as usuall i did it 3 weeks ago i had used my dads razor and i cut my arm.....i just was mad that day. right now im caving for more anyway now all i have to do to be officially informed...i have to write a song about my experience like i always do...tootles and thanx for listening
P.S. song of the week Im not over-carolina Liar
this is me-demi lovato
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