Sure thing. Sit tight, this might take a while.
Or maybe not... I'll speak in the third person, its always easier this way.
Who is Alex.
Alex is a girl who knows what she wants and she gets it, at least 80% of the time. She knows where she's going and she will reach her goals. She isn't the type to give up, unless she really realize how pointless her goal is. Of course, many things are pointless to her. Arguing on the internet is one of the pointless things. *Hinthint* donotarguewithhershe'lljustlaughatyou*hinthint*
Alex, also reffered to as "Lex" , "LeLex", "Simon" ,"smurf" and "whore/betch" is actually a really social person, she loves to point her opinions and she enjoys listening to other's point of view. Though, she dislikes people who critiquize opinions. On a paradoxal note, she hates religions and despises whoever worship somethings, exept maybe buddhists or however you spell those; they don't ask you for money and, in fact, they don't really ask for much else than respect.
Aah. Respect. Something, I must say, Lex has some difficulties with. She is a really sarcastic, and even arrogant, person and even saddists on sides. To tell the truth, she enjoys making people she dislikes sad. Even if she doesn't dislike you, even if you're her friend, in her down moments she'll be mean to you. Her real friends are aware of that though. (And they still love her. 3nodding )
Yeah, about that, she has somewhat of a superiority/god complex. But its nothing to worry about. Its much less of a problem than it was. But you may reffer to her as God. Or Master anyways. She appreciates it. (JAY KAY. obviously. )
She is able to admit her errors...sometimes. Of course, its better to admit them once in a while than only spit them out and forget about your qualities, ne? She does admit being a horrible and selfish/possesive person, she's working on that, mkay?
But enough of all this blah blah that no one really cares about. Alex eats. Alot. She is underweighted. (YAYYY...UNHEALTHY! ) and eats like a fat kid. She loves overly-sweet things, sour and salty. Though, she dislikes fast foods. Especially Mcdonald. She's not vegetarian, but she dislikes red meat. That doesn't stop her from loving sushis. C:

She's usually that happy girl, enjoying life's little momments. To make it short. "Alex; Brightening emo people's life since 2003 "
What else do you want to know? The color of her panties? The size of her bra? SRRY. thats not for you. BLOCKATIEL on that. D<
So yeah, thats all. If she ever finds out more about herself, she's going to post it there for ***** to see.