Total Value: 21,969,903 Gold, 27,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 235,282 Gold, 0 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Gloves
Long-Stem Red Rose
Joker Collar red-black
Cherry Red Polyester Necktie
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Soot Face Explode
Mini Nitemare Wings
Metro Chic Dress
Alruna's Rose 3rd Gen
Benkei's Cap

Total Value: 71,453 Gold
After Exclusions: 55,331 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Long-Stem White Rose
Tall Paper Lantern White
The Lusty Scoundrel
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Dove White Kachina Dancer's Wings
Blushing Bride's Veil
April Birthstone Crown
Felicia's Gloves
Ebony Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top
Onyx Milady Skirt

Total Value: 357,198 Gold
After Exclusions: 34,955 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fancy Gloves
Eye Bandage
Tall Paper Lantern Pink
Grace of Aphrodite
Neo Gloves
Wine Tavern Wench's Cincher
Ruffled Pink Dress
Berry Sugarplum Puff Sleeves
Amethyst Milady Skirt
Amethyst Milady Headpiece
Alruna's Rose

Total Value: 94,910 Gold
After Exclusions: 26,843 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Parrot's Beak
The Lusty Scoundrel
Native American Moccasins
Leather Tube Top
Orange Eye Stripe Tattoo
YHBT hat
Padmavati's Lotus 2nd Gen.
Green Corallus Egg
Dried Grass Skirt
Tama's Basket

Total Value: 40,329 Gold, 190,300 Tickets
After Exclusions: 5,430 Gold, 190,300 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Chairo Cache Shades
Brahown Pointed Buckle Heel Slipper
TM (Time Piece)
Spartan Chest Guard
Dark Brown SP Work Pants
Bullet Belts
Brown Musketeer Cape

Total Value: 1,134,344 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,034,222 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Silver Prince's Boots
Picolitrosso's Urn 6th Gen.
Long-Stem Black Rose
Chain Wallet
Blade's Leggings
Black Nutcracker Prince Coat
Alruna's Rose 7th Gen

Total Value: 140,668 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Tama's Basket
Green Reading Glasses
White Space Girl Bikini Top
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Skirt
Winter Rose
White Eye Stripe Tattoo
Biancamella 2nd Gen

Total Value: 312,681 Gold
After Exclusions: 80,149 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Yama no Tamago
Pantheracorax Agate 3rd gen.
Inari's Beads 3rd Gen
Bompin' Blue Head Gear
Anti-Fashion Blue Anti-Accessory
Aoi Cache Shades
Flashion Blue Shoes
Gift of the Goddess
Autumn Stripes Eggplant Skirt
Azure Tatsu Helm
Achromatic Apocaripped Coat

Total Value: 14,111,130 Gold
After Exclusions: 102,074 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Fundoshi
White Fur-Trimmed Bra
Sugarplum Slippers
Determined Eyes
Young Mrs. Claus' Earrings
Elven Ears (Platinum)
Dove White Kachina Dancer's Wings
Dreamer's Dust
December Birthstone Crown
Angelic Sash
Angelic Collar
Alice's Ivory Boots
Padmavati's Lotus

Total Value: 207,229 Gold
After Exclusions: 97,203 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Pearl And Diamond Earrings
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
White Stockings
Winter Rose
Death Whisper (10th gen)
Coocoon (2nd Gen)
Yama no Tamago
Ghostly White Mistress High Heels
Determined Eyes