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what fills the heart-part 6
In the morning, Mia and Hana didn't talk to each other, and everyone was always staring at them. "I guess everyone came to the party." Hana thought. Mike saw Hana, and gave her a glare, and when he saw Mia, he just ran away. "Whatever loser!" Mia said. At lunch, when Hana was walking to her table, Mia put her foot out, and tripped her. When Hana was picking up her food, her underwear was showing, and of corse Mia took a picture of it. After that, she sent it to everyone in the whole school, and on the internet. Hana was so embaressed she didn't show her face for the rest of the day.
Posted by: Karin97 Wed Aug 20, 2008 @ 09:13pm