Total Value: 350,667,748 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 350,528,448 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Lex's Dark GlovesBlack Glamrock Jean SkirtSuspendersThe MoleSoft Black UnderwearLovely Genie Black Belly GemElemental WingsDashing Gentleman Gold And Black CaneGold BFF Heart ChainBiancamella 2nd GenAngelic HaloElegant Lord's Mask (Gold Falcon)Celestial Gold Glamorous PumpsEgyptian Gold ArmletEgyptian Gold ArmletEgyptian Gold Anklet (right)Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)Gold Tribal Torso TattooGold Tribal Right Arm TattooGold Tribal Left Arm TattooGold Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Total Value: 73,110 Gold, 1,020 Tickets
After Exclusions: 71,920 Gold, 0 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Golden Star Mood BubbleDashing Gentleman Onyx TieChucky The Rubber DuckyFairy WingsGold TiaraRed Candy Striped StockingsBerry Tavern Wench's CincherCrisp White Summer DressEgyptian Gold Anklet (right)Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)Black and Gold Oversized BanglesBlack and Gold Oversized BanglesBlue SKA shoesFairy WandMonocleGold Pocket WatchElegant Blue RibbonColonial BonnetBouncy AntennaeBuck Teeth
Total Value: 594,220 Gold, 19,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 306,015 Gold, 19,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Silver Promise RingSilver Pocket WatchSilver BFF Heart ChainLovely Genie Silver Bangle BraceletsLovely Genie Silver Bangle BraceletsBlack GlovesLex's Dark GlovesThe MoleSoft Black UnderwearPicolitrosso's Urn 4th Gen.Lovely Genie Black Belly GemLong DragHeart Eye PatchDemonic AnkletsDashing Gentleman Onyx ShoesDashing Gentleman Silver And Black CaneDark HaloCoCo Kitty PlushieBlack Leather BeltBlack Heart HairpinColonial BonnetBlack Glamrock Jean SkirtSuspendersStriped Stockings
Total Value: 415,905 Gold, 69,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 123,104 Gold, 69,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Prisoner's Ball and ChainLovely Genie Black Belly GemLong DragJoker Hat white-blackHeart Eye PatchGold Mountain Tie (black Clover)GillsDashing Gentleman Silver And Black CaneDrop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull HairpinDemonic AnkletsDemonic AnkletsDeadly Mood BubbleCoCo Kitty PlushieBlack Goth BootsStriped StockingsEmo GlassesDancer CuffsBlack Fur-Trimmed BraBlack Fur-Trimmed Underwear
Total Value: 443,095 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 441,140 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Long DragLeather Collar with CrossDemonic AnkletsDark HaloButtoned Down Fauna SkirtBuddhist Monk's Rosary BlackBlade's LeggingsBlack Strapless BraSparkling Eyes Clown MakeupSoft Black UnderwearOnyx Milady BodiceSanta Baby BootsPicolitrosso's Urn 2nd Gen.http://www.tektek.org/avatar/19054917