Character Name: Jarrett Storm
Element: Wind
Gender: Male
Race: Elf (with human looking ears)
Age: 142, appears 18
Sexual Preference: Strait
Biography: All of his people had brown eyes so he was sent into exile for his red ones. He lived alone since the age of three and hardly trusts a soul.
Personality: Calm, Quiet, doesn't open up to people.
Likes: Air, Sand, Silence, Meditating.
Dislikes: Loud and Annoying people, talking too much.
Weapons/Powers: Can manipulate air and fly with feathery wings.
Appearance: White hair. Red eyes. Tan skin. Wears an ear charm. His clothing is covered in a variety of belts and chains. He wears a light tan jacket over his white clothing. He wears fingerless black gloves, also covered in a chain.