Monday, July 28th, 2oo8
Dear, Nevin :
i hope you understand that im inlove with you. there's no one else who comes close to making me feel the way i feel when im with you. my heart belongs to you. im not letting go
He said: i'll love you endlessly, if you promise to stay with me.
L O V E B Y A C C I D E N T ?
It was M E A N T TO B E

I never knew what i was missing until you walked into my life. before all this, i thought it was clear that love really wasn't for me but you changed my mind. the moment we joined hands, and locked hearts, was unbelieveable. you're the one i've been longing for. the one i desired. you not only tell me you love me, but you show you care. the little things you do make me fall inlove with you. more and more everyday (; you put a smile on my face along with your warm embrace. i was holding onto something that wasn't there before i met you. Through the laughter, and the tears; ths smiles and the heartaches, you stood right beside me never letting go. you were my hand to hold onto, when things got rough; my shoulder to cry on, when i was hurting. the feeling of secureness, and the cure to my pain. im just wondering now, why i couldn't be with you so much sooner. i want to know if this will last, but im beginning to learn that as each day passes, i should cherish each moment with you. you have some kind of hold on me. feels like im addicted to your love. all the memories we made, the memories we shares, and the memories to come. we can look back and know that we were inlove. im scared of losing you, because you seem so perfect. it's been almost 4 months with you and it's been a crazy ride. we had our arguements, and our make-ups. Our good and bad times together. But the fights can only make our relationship stronger. a relationship without arguements, isn't a relationship at all. it's true. i still remember the words you said, almost 4 months ago. "Alicia, all i want is for you to be happy; to see that smile on your face, even if it means you're not with me." Baby, look at us now! it was you i wanted all along; and it's you i have. Im not going anywhere. I'll stay close to you; that's where i belong. It was M E A N T TO B E

♥i'll be loving you forever. -Alicia. <3
i t s y o u i m t h i n k i n g o f
i t s y o u i m t h i n k i n g o f