GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH can you tell im frustrated? ...yes? good. GAAAAAAH oh you want to know what im frustrated at? ill tell ya DA FORUMS IS WHAT I IS FRUSTRATED AT!!! im mean come on!!! first im on but there not then there on but im not and then when were finally all on at the same time they like post one entry and then leave!!!! i mean who does that!!!! scream you want to know why this buggs me ill tell ya why cause there good writers and we keep leaving each other cliffies!!!! i hate cliffys cuz then i cant fall asleep cuz i dont know wat happens!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr stare awww come on ppl POST!!!!! *no one post resulting in a pouting jewel* fine be that way you meanies nah i love you guys!! well seeing how this is my fist entry without me going all crazy besides me being mad at the forum ppl and my mom for makeing me leave when it was just getting good! but hey we cant have no randomness in this entry it wouldnt be right biggrin xd 3nodding heart stare xp twisted 4laugh rofl burning_eyes ninja mrgreen exclaim there all randomness is out.......NOT but hey if i did unleash it all on u guys you wouldnt still be here cuz that much randomness could be hazardous to your health....not mine its my randomness.....not get away you cant have it its my randomness all mine!!!! ya i know your all going .....O.o whats wrong with this girl?? am i right well xp on all you stiffs that dont know how to relax and be random shame on you!!! well c ya guys
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