I miss my brother, Jerry (Tokyo777)...
I miss Jerry (Tokyo777)... He died July 28, 2008 at Canyon lake by drowning because he didn't know how to swim plus he's autistic...He was 15 years old born April 5, 1993. Every time I look I see Jerry and it hurts me inside and I feel empty but I don't tell anyone... Sometimes I dream about him and we're playing together. And I think the dream is real. But then I wake up and look in Jerry's room and he's not there and I feel like crying but I don't... Sometimes when I go to sleep I cry because no one can see me... I miss Jerry so much but I just don't show it... I didn't even think about it... I swam out to try to save Jerry, but he grabbed on to me cause he was gasping for air... then we both went down and started drowning... He held on to me even as we were drowning and I tried to get him... But we were both struggling... When I finally swam up to the top, he wasn't holding on to me... I wish I could do it over because I had him in my grasp... When the searchers finally came, it was too late... I love him so much, but I know he's with God now.

heart I Love You Jerry...!