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This is just sad that people may actually read this.
Digital Camera
I got one for my birthday! YAY!!! I love it!!! It's so fun! And it has a huge screen! It's amazing! I got a MP3 player too, but we're [my mom and I] are having issues with it. I put all the songs I want on it, but now, even though it charged for a few hours [at least] it won't turn on. At all. Nothing happens. It's quite frustrating. We have to call the technical support center. Ugh! So upseting! I got a Vampire Weekend cd too! It's so good! I love it! Especially the song Campus.

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I Aurelia I
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 30, 2008 @ 03:03am
Lol. Luckii!!! My sisters getting one next week>_< And I hope I get to use it..or steal it from

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