nothing special realli, so just gonna hit u wit a piece of my mind! 3nodding
songs i'm feeling right now
-mick jagger and dave stewart (old habits die hard)
-snoop dog ft pharrell (drop its like its hot)
-usher (simple things)
-joss stone and nadiah seid (wicked things)
-fabolous (breathe) *still not tired of this song gets me so hyped!*
movies that i wanna see right now
-the incredibles
-the grudge *yep i wanna see this movie again*
wat i wanna do right now till spring break 05
-hit my old weight of 180 but ideal weight is 175 *i'm 6'0ft*
-gradurate from itt
-find a real good job and a real nice girl by my side*sigh this yr of the monkey is realli treating us monkeys bad this yr.......*
Community Member
itt, eh?
for which state do you reside in, awesome artist friend person thing?