Karen. As a young girl, she was told she was an angel but she did not believe them...till now. As a young girl in her teens, she realized that her mother's telling of an angel is not a lie or a game....

Kerek. He was never told about being the demon angel, and now the truth eats him alive. Kerek must cope with the out bursts of demon within him, but he feels he should protect his childhood friend Karen....

Anewn. The Goddess of wind, The Angel of protection, She has been called all of these. She has been sent to help Karen with becoming an Angel.

Grenfur. An experienced Water Angel, though she lookes very much like a child. Also sent to help Karen and Kerek, with their elemental powers.

Autious. Some people say he is death's brother, but he disagrees. "I am not his brother, Im his son" is what he says.. Sent to help Kerek with becoming a Demon.
(more to come!)