Hacks from Anita, Nevin, Kimmy, Elliot, && Amii
Sexiified (;

You Just got hacked Alicia! By your Favorite sister Anita babeh!! haha im here to talk about my Lovely sisterr oh yess. First of all i love love love her muhcho grandes!! oh yess! Alicia is the best sister i could ever wish for! She cares alot about me and loves me mucho! We are not real life sisters buh we got so much in common nd thee parents are the same. She probaly my lost long sister! and then all of a sudden PRESTOO BABY! i found her on this game! haha. ive known her for a couples months now, and im glad i did! she has my back all the time and i got hers! and she makes me smile everyday,oh yess. She is currently takken oh yess! haha! Well im done,Alicia when you read this or when ever. i just want to say that i love yu so much! and i really mean it too. best sister i always wanted it! ily mucho grandes! and that is fOrizzalee!<33
[ i l y . a l i c i a ]
-HypeddxNikez-aka anita (;

July 3rd, 2k8 <3. ! Yes my bby being hacked for the third time!:OOOOOOO !XDD i remember the first time i meeted u i was like :OOOO dang she prettay !!i had to have her >.< almost our 3rd anniversary and shes still the smexiiest girl i kno :]
i lost a freind getting alicia but like they say if loving u is wrong i don't wanna be right XD Late nights in Hollywood just talking and talking and talking blah, blah ,blah u get the point pllz x] U seee those 2 images on top kissing thats alicia and me XDD lol......GOD DAMMIT y couldn't we meet each other so sooner !!!!HEr eyes are like OMFg smexxi x] IIGHt let me give the fellas heads up ..dnt try to get my girl >.> im serious shes mines get this through your fukin head ! MINES :] who wouldn't love this perrtttiii laddiii shes the most nicest person you'll eva meetx] but OHH SHYTE!!!i seeen her pissed its like a side that makes me go o.o x] i got her back..i'll catch her every time she falls ilhsfm :] My chunky gondi is the shyte !!! x] always loving, makes me wanna hug and kiss her now x ]h8 when she calls herself ugly =.= makes me piss she mad pretty!!!! :] being without her ....OMFG dnt let me thing of it!!!!!O.O...ima wrap this up...ily alicia more still :] ur everything i needed inn a girl and more !

Hack 4rm Alicia
s little sisttah, Kimmy at 2:30 pm on 070708 [[Our time bby!!]]
s little sisttah, Kimmy at 2:30 pm on 070708 [[Our time bby!!]]

I met Alicia from one of my [[other]] Sister, Ariane =D I bet if I haven't met Alicia becuz of Ariane...my life would be COMPLETELY different!! && I wouldn't even still be on Gaia, I would of quit right now if it wasn't for Alicia and my other Fwends or bro & sis <333
She hates drama, but she goes through them soemtimes Dx But like I said, she is WONDERFUL, and I'm honest about this: "Meeting Alicia was one of the BeSt thing of my life!! Not as great as being born, but close I guess ^^ But I'm being hoenst so yeah...<333"
I don't like to make these things long =/ && I'm currently tired 4rm waking up early...>< One more thing be4 I leave...
i l y M U C H 0 a l i c i a b a b y x 3 < 3 3 3
Peace out =P
~Kimmy LOvee a.k.a Kimmy <33
july 19th, 2k8 ! Elliot's HACK ! <3 x_Cool-Kid
ok were to start about this crazy person x],
well i meet her from my buddy anita when i think we was in holly wood, and we usually always hang out now when were in rally cuz u go out w/ my ***** nev lol but i would of even if u wasnt :].But ur like a real fun person to .
hang out w/ and thats why im hanging out w/ u in a rally right now xD !memories memories,You meber when u was like u umm wanna hack me and i was like sure, that was like so funny man that happen like 5 mins ago lol jk but words geting short so ima rap this up lalalalalal
bye bye alicia lalalalala xD

ok were to start about this crazy person x],
well i meet her from my buddy anita when i think we was in holly wood, and we usually always hang out now when were in rally cuz u go out w/ my ***** nev lol but i would of even if u wasnt :].But ur like a real fun person to .
hang out w/ and thats why im hanging out w/ u in a rally right now xD !memories memories,You meber when u was like u umm wanna hack me and i was like sure, that was like so funny man that happen like 5 mins ago lol jk but words geting short so ima rap this up lalalalalal
bye bye alicia lalalalala xD
Sit Sit People (; 
cause amii here talking bout my wonderful sis alicia (; i met this chick for a while now && damee i lovee her ! No liee. Shes a SweetHeart. Veryy Gorgous. im glad that i met her.i met her in the rally from hmMm anitaa or whoever lol. Same dayy i met kimmy ;She Help me wif lots of my gayy problem, Shes a veryy lovelyy chicka. Haha. Her <33 belong to mr.egghead (; But onee day ima steal her from him ahah. ima go kung fuu on him! Liek i said to particka ;Learn it from kung fuu panda lmaO.She is veryy veryy smart . i be the dumb onee ; aha.She always makes everyone smilee when shes around ; Turn the frown upsidee down babe ; me && her always laugh for no reason haha its cause were cool liek that (; i guess ima stop here (; i lovee you lots aliciaa.
amii left her footprint here on july 19th (; &&p.s You Slut Muffin`(: