now. here is the pain I've brought upon myself:

T__T that's a long-term goal, btw. I don't even have enough for my Benny the Puppy (In my Arms!~ :'D). and once I spend 5k on that, it will be back to square one. presumably saving up for an autumn glory this time. then, maybe all the random things on my wishlist, just to get them off there 'cause they annoy me. then on with life.
and now I've decided that being an annoying brat on gaia is no fun. it's just like being an annoying brat in real life, and people there tend to take me for granted and block me out. i'll always follow them around like a homeless puppy (with rabies) so instead they'll focus attention on the friends they've known for EVAR.
people don't respect me for who I am. they might respect something i'd done, over a year ago. but not me. I have no life. ********, it ain't fair, people respect Ben more than they respect me, and they keep telling me he's a weirdo! (even when he's in the room).
i don't like being taken for granted. so, i shall focus on making myself something everyone wished they'd paid attention to earlier. irl, that involves... a colder personality and a whole lotta makeup. here on gaia, that means amassing a ton of wealth by myself (basically doing what I'd been doing the whole time anyway, more) by winning contests and stuff, and without spamming everyone else's profiles. and when I'm rich and famous everything will be better. *falls asleep*
xd I've been editing this thing nonstop. that's so emo! it really seems like I did that just to get attention, didn't it... well, I probably did. which doesn't mean you should give it to me. i'm a crybaby, another reason why I really need the soul-makeover mentioned above. *feels more powerful by admitting this publicly*
now you can all spam for gold. whee