Ok so tori has a cousin named michelle. But she hates being called michelle. So people call here michi. Michi is 14 and she is half angel and half demon. She is fire nature. And she can bend clouds. She blushes alot. And when that happens she starts to get really hot and faint. But she has been able control that. Michi's parents are full blood demons. Michi's parent tried to teach michi to be evil,but michi dissagreed. One day her parents found out she was going to a regualar school and sneeking off. So they punished her. And michi fought back. So her parents tried to kill her. So she is on the run. She loves holidays. She also has a crush on akai. Michi also wears a charm bracelet with two charms and it is angel wings and demon wings. Michi turns evil once in awhile but she turns full evil on her birthday luna moon. o and michi is an ex cheerleader so she can do flips and stuff yipee!! lol!!Here are some pictures of her one is when she is good and she other bad.

good michi

her evil but not all the way evil
by the way michi weres a black chocker with a sliver heart on it. The heart has a key whole on it but the key was destroyed for safty. If the chocker breaks many demon souls will be leased and will find a body to take over with their powers to. Her demon soul is in there to,.. so she would turn evil.