Well, today the Rejected Olympics began. I went with Team Barton~! We has Angel Imps~! Woo-hoo for images~!


Made By Me
( The Barton Leaf, Directed By Me and Blinky95 {My iRL Bestie} I am at the top tip, Blinky is right next to me, on my left)

( Just a Nakkey Barton Day class picture, Directed completely by me. I am on the bottom row, 2nd from the right )
The Fight Song



Made By Me

( The Barton Leaf, Directed By Me and Blinky95 {My iRL Bestie} I am at the top tip, Blinky is right next to me, on my left)

( Just a Nakkey Barton Day class picture, Directed completely by me. I am on the bottom row, 2nd from the right )
The Fight Song