Fill it out if you want, if not, well I guess I really don't care. XD
1.Who are you?-
2.Are we friends? -
3.More than friends?-
4.What are your hobbies?-
5.Where are you from?-
6.What other languages can you speak?-
7.Favorite type of music?-
8.Describe me in one word.-
9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?-
10.What do you like best about me?-
11.Pick one emoticon for me.-
12.Whats one thing you like about yourself?-
13.One thing you hate about yourself?-
14.One think you like about me?-
15.One thing you hate about me?-
16.Who's your favorite person?-
17.Would you kiss me?-
18.Would you tell me that you loved me?-
19.Would you marry me?-
20.Drive half-way across the country to see me?-
21.Do something to harm me?-
22.Whats your favorite anime?-
23.Favorite color?-
24.Favorite food?-
25.Favorite place to visit?-
26.Favorite place to go for solitude?-
27.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?-
28.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you-
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.
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![]() __ - 0Diclonius0 - __ Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
2.Are we friends? -Yerp
3.More than friends?-Yerp
4.What are your hobbies?- horseback riding, rping, talking to you
5.Where are you from?- USA
6.What other languages can you speak?- None lol, I dun wanna speak French
7.Favorite type of music?-Rock
8.Describe me in one word.-Honest, stubborn stare
9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?, I don't think so.
10.What do you like best about me?-Your sense of humor
11.Pick one emoticon for me.- cool , twisted couldn't choose just one, sorry
12.Whats one thing you like about yourself?-My stubborness
13.One thing you hate about yourself?-I can get annoyingly stubborn at the worst of times, as you know lmao
14.One think you like about me?-You can always get me laughing
15.One thing you hate about me?-N/A
16.Who's your favorite person?-Dunno...used to be Jimmy, but he's been downright annoying recently
17.Would you kiss me?-Yerp
18.Would you tell me that you loved me?- Obviously
19.Would you marry me?-Let's see how things go when I'm there, k?
20.Drive half-way across the country to see me?-Plan to, next summer
21.Do something to harm me?-Erhm...seriously, or playfully?
22.Whats your favorite anime?-Wolf's Rain, Death Note
23.Favorite color?-Blue, burnt crimson
24.Favorite food?-Rare steak, shrimp
25.Favorite place to visit?-Colorado XP
26.Favorite place to go for solitude?-My room, the woods behind my house
27.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?-Colorado
28.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you-Sure, why not.