Wierd Dream
Yea,I had another weird dream,but this time,this mask guy thing was in it.First,I was going up some stone-like stairs and these two guys I don't know came up to me.One asked if I wanted to be his buddy,and I said "Suuuuuuuuuuuuure," and he said "Thanks." Well,some buddy he was as I tried to talk to him and he wasn't listening to me.Then,I appeared in front of this place.I was Link.This mask thing asked if I wanted to take this thing back even though it would mean bad things would happen.I said yes and he gave me this thing.His shak fell down and he left all angry.He was a rancher.Then a cow lost all its meat and organs and eyes.It became a living skeleton cow.I went to my old elementary school because I was attending that school as a student,and found out an old friend was trying to do the same thing.The sky turned a bright orange,and the light that was hitting on objects made it look like it was the end of the earth.I asked this old lady if this was to the house and she said no.I kept bothering her and then left.I saw a trail and on the sides were green leaves.I found the mask thing again and I gave him the thing again.I got on my bus and told my old friend I saved the world.The mask thing had ruby red lips,a purple face,and red marks on its cheeks.I woke up.
 Art by Geno Rhapsody