~!MyStIc MeMoRy's Char.s!~ |
Name: Kira Sato Age: 16 Looks: Short white hair that covers some of her right eye. Her eyes are a dark grey but has specks of white that only show in the night. Her skin is pale but smooth. She stands about 5 feet and eight inches. Her body is average but is slightly muscular. Ref(s):  Personality: Kira isn't the one to introduce herself first. She hardly speaks unless spoken to or if there's a need. She doesn't like to bother with pointless conversations. When she does open her mouth, the things that comes out are either sarcastic or just plain honesty. Kira may be demonic but she never lies and always tell how she see it. She is calm and laid-back. Though, she may be laid-back, she won't let no one push her around. She will warn you if you start to gets on her nerves, but if she doesn't like, well... just expect a fight. Likes: Dark places, walks at night, sharp objects, calm people, stars, steak Dislikes: Loud people and noises, onions, bright places, annoying people Element: Darkness Item: A chain that is like one that you put on your pants with a skull at the end. She usually wraps it around her arm. D or A: Demonic Bio: Kira always like to wear a snug black hoodie that shows her figure, cargo pants or jeans and black sneakers. She like to walk around at night or in the woods. When she is actually bored, you will find her at a high place, watching the clouds. Or sleep... Background: Being raised by a demon and a human was tough for young Kira. Her mother was a very kind human who loved Kira a lot. But her father was always disappointed of her. He had always wanted a son, even yet, he did not mean to have a child by a human. Sometimes, he use to beat her vigously. He would try to unlock her demonic side. And he did one time, which was his last. When her mother was away, he had began to beat her. And Kira had tapped into her side and brutally murdered her father. Before he had died, he smirked at his demonic daughter, pointing out that she was trully a monster. Kira had tried to forget that time in her life, but yet the past still come back to hunt her. Other: Um...not really.
Name: Kiochi Takahashi Age: 25 Looks: Short spiky dull black hair that goes well with his hunter green eyes. He has slightly tanned skin that is sort of rough. He stands about six feet and three inches. Even though he is tall, he is also muscular but can't really tell through his clothes. He has two large wings that goes all the way down to his knees. Ref(s):  Personality: Kiochi is somewhat of calm and charming soul. He hardly ever shows his anger and usually tries to make a joke about it. But he won't stand for disrespect. He will give respect but ask for it in return. He care dearly for his students and everyone he trust. Also he is always happy to lend a hand. Though, sometimes he gets very depressed but tries to hide from others. Likes: Ramen, Sake, Tea, Hiking, Flying, High places, and trees Dislikes: Spiders, Snakes, Abusive Men, pervs, and Snobby People Element: Earth/Rock Base Item: A small ring with a crimson gem in the middle. He usually wears it on his middle finger on his right hand, D or A: Angelic Bio: Kiochi likes to dress in baggy clothes when he is not teaching. And usually has his hair shaggy looking. When bored, he sometimes just goes on hikes or just fly around. Background: Kiochi was born of a human father and angelic mother. His Father was doctor and actually sometimes took him to the hospital. He was a happy child and was greatly loved. He could bring smiles to anyone faces. But when his mother had caught cancer, his father couldn't do anything for her. On his mother's death bed, she had gave Kiochi her ring that she had always wore. Kiochi had recovered from the loss at the age of sixteen. But then he watched his father commited suicide. He had shot himself in the head. Kiochi was never the same after that. He had lived with his uncle after. Even now that he is grown, he still sufferes from the memory. Other: Nothing else
Neurotic Indecency · Mon Jul 14, 2008 @ 12:16am · 0 Comments |