June 27, 2008
Burgos, Spain
At one point last night, the tv in our room flickered on BY ITSELF for a few seconds and turned itself off... eek burning_eyes Had nightmares all last night about ghosts and monsters after that happened.
Breakfast: Buffet like at the other hotels.
Walking tour of the Cathedral of Santa Anna. Our tour guide for the day was a funny little man named Luis. He was our coolest guide by far, and he knew his stuff.
Next, Lunch at a small cafe. Had a bocadillo (traditional Spanish sandwich) with salchichón (sausage) and a coke (traditional American soft drink,lol). I had to buy another disposable camera. Even though I had originally brought two, I had used them up quickly. I thought they would be enough, but I was waaaay wrong!
Went shopping with Mike, Oscar, and Alex and I bought the CUTEST bag! heart
After we had all gathered as a group again, we looked into the alley that a lot of us just walked out of where a beggar had been sitting all day with his dog. My friends and I must have walked past that dog 3 times that day and it had barely moved the entire time, but this random woman got attacked by the dog right before we left Burgos. This huge crowd had gathered and the crazy only lasted like 15 seconds, but we herd growling and screaming. The crowd finally parted when the beggar fled on his bicycle from the man whom I believe was the husband of the woman who got attacked. He was shaking his fists and shouting stuff in Spanish at the guy. We must be crazy careful about loose dogs in Europe. By law, owners are not required to get their dogs rabies vaccinations. domokun eek
After all that craziness, we left Burgos on a 2 hour drive up to San Sebastian, a small beach town. Slept most of the way.
San Sebastian, Spain
San Sebastian is in an area called Basque country. They want to be independent from Spain and they speak two different types of Spanish: Castillian (most common kind of Spanish) and Catalán which is specific to the Basque country. It sounds really strange. They even have their own flag which looks like this:

I LOVE IT HERE!!!!! heart blaugh heart blaugh Our Hotel, The Hotel de San Sebastian, is right on the beach, a short walk away. Did some shoping with Karen, Chloe, and Camie but didn't buy anything.
Dinner at the hotel:-pasta 4laugh
-flattened chicken with french fries (chicken not that good, almost thought it was fish)
-chocolate brownie heart
After dinner, went to the beach with Karen, Mike, Alex, and Oscar. Took a picture of a dead baby sting ray that had washed up on shore. xp
Oscar and Alex were playing with a ball and a dog caught it and started playing with the ball. Alex goes to get the ball, but the dog barks at him viciously, like it wants to bite him. A lady poked her head out of the water and gave some indication that it was her dog. (keep in mind, most beaches in Europe are "top optional!" wink She starts coming out of the water and we see that she is indeed topless! eek gonk burning_eyes She goes up and starts to wrestle with the dog to get it away from the ball, and her boobs are, of course, flapping around and Alex is right up under her flapping boobs trying to get the ball back, which he eventually succeeds in doing. We thanked her and walked away, but poor Mike was still shell-shocked. When he first saw that the lady was topless, he had a spaz attack (Funny as Hell!!! rofl ).
While walking, we saw some stairs that go through the water to the other side of the beach so we decide to go across (By the way, none of us are wearing bathing suits, just regular clothes). The tide was really high, and we got a little wet, and when we tried to cross back, we got really wet. Mike just got engulfed by a wave and got soaked completely.
After that, we went back to the hotel, changed clothes, and played cards with Camie, Chloe, and Jason for the rest of the night. In short, today was friggin' wacky. xd