This is the cutest thing ever srsly. And I ate him too. D:

Wut you say Captcha?

Who knows who this guy is? Um, no I don't think you do. You can ask. But I love him.

What a whore. Getting knocked up, 3rd time around.

At least she made this cute thing. :]

And these cuties...

It snowed in March. In ******** Texas.

I be drinkin Diet Dr. Pepper.

SEE NO EVIL HEAR NO EVIL SAY NO EVIL. Or whatever order it goes.

Lol I'm stupid.

He's like 'LOLWUT?' and she's like 'STFU'

I got my germs on my dad's bed

Rainbow. :] It was in Louisiana at my mom's.

City lights. I think this one is of New Orleans. I was on a plane.

I got bitched at by Jeffree Star.

Mo' photography. I was at the park :]

Do I need to say anything?

Srsly. Me.

Me at 12. I was dumb

I'll add more pix of my life anytime I take some awesome ones I have to share. surprised