Name: Gryphon Leon Rion Angel Domoni
Age: 7,234 as known to date, he may be older.
Personality: Much is unknown about Gryphon except for the fact he loves to read quite a bit.
Race: Lycan (Fox...instead of a wolf.)
Weapon: A bow and arrows.
Height: 6’4
Weight: 176
Bloodline: Domoni
Mother: Acadia Angel Septramin
Father: Baron Leon Domoni
Bio: A lycan of many years past, not being killed off by his deceased wife's family he lives far off from the eye of his sons. Not much else is known.

Name: Lilly Elizabeth Domoni
Age: Deceased
Personality: She was a care free woman, always a good mother, somewhat of stubborn vampire, though.
Race: Vampire
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 130lb
Bloodline: Volones
Mother: Elizabeth Isabella Hon
Father: Bane Zim Hon
Bio: Before her death by her eldest son, she lived a full life, understanding many problems with the world that she lived in, and not really wondering much beyond her life as mother.

Name: Angel Gryphon Domoni
Age: 4,575
Personality: Stubborn and very shy, unlike his brother's he's more of a flirt then anything else, when he comes out of his shell.
Race: Lycan/vampire
Weapon: A sword on his back, and a hand gun to the waist.
Height: 6’5
Weight: 180lb
Bloodline: Domoni
Mother: Lilly Elizabeth Domoni
Father: Gryphon Leon Rion Angel Domoni
Bio: Killing off his mother at the tender age of twelve, he was on the run from his brother's until they forgave him. He's been a loner for most of his life before that.

Name: Bane Leon Domoni
Age: 3,292
Personality: Very talkative, always wondering what's going on in other's lives, kind of nosey as well.
Race: Vampire/Lycan
Weapon: Doesn’t carry any, doesn't believe in violence
Height: 6’4
Weight: 165lb
Bloodline: Domoni
Mother: Lilly Elizabeth Domoni
Father: Gryphon Leon Rion Angel Domoni
Bane from Gryphon and Lilly, he was a quiet kid until his teenager years when something horrible happened.

Name: Rion Gryphon Domoni
Age: 2,294
Personality: Extremly shy, acts a lot like Angel.
Race: Vampire/lycan
Weapon: A bow to his back.
Height: 6’7
Weight: 178lb
Bloodline: Domoni
Mother: Lilly Elizabeth Domoni
Father: Gryphon Leon Rion Angel Domoni
Bio: Always keeping to his mother waist, he never truly forgave Angel for killing of their mother; unknown to him his mother was planning on killing her children.