Yeah...watched my first Yaoi anime today.....LOVED IT!!!! It was sooo cute!!! I'll rave about it helped me out with I suppose my first yaoi story...just yaoi story ever...all the other ones have mention of yaoi in them...yaoi is awesome and that I think everyone can agree with at least a little bit...but, here's the basic Lux and Aidan are childhood sweethearts who part ten years prior to the start of the story Katy is Lux's best friend and helps bring the two boys together....I'll have to hook Katy up in another story...but here's avi's of then....THANK GOD FOR TEKTEK!!!!!
 Katy Wilson- art major and amasing friend, bad judge of character when it comes to possible boyfriends...good luck sweetie!!!
 Lux Twilight- yeah werid last name I know but this is one of the main guys!!! He's soo cute right!?!?! Sweet innocent............and the perfect target stare ....gwad i hate it when this type is in the story....drama unfolds!!!!
 Aidan Howards- hottie!!! Lux's guy and the one person you don't wanna mess with. He's got one hell of a dark side and knows full well how to use others!!!! Lux loves him no matter what!!!
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Wed Jul 09, 2008 @ 04:58am · 1 Comments |