Sexiified (;

[ i l y . a l i c i a ]
-HypeddxNikez-aka anita (;

July 3rd, 2k8 <3. ! Yes my bby being hacked for the third time!:OOOOOOO !XDD i remember the first time i meeted u i was like :OOOO dang she prettay !!i had to have her >.< almost our 3rd anniversary and shes still the smexiiest girl i kno :] i lost a freind getting alicia but like they say if loving u is wrong i don't wanna be right XD Late nights in Hollywood just talking and talking and talking blah, blah ,blah u get the point pllz x] U seee those 2 images on top kissing thats alicia and me XDD lol......GOD DAMMIT y couldn't we meet each other so sooner !!!!HEr eyes are like OMFg smexxi x] IIGHt let me give the fellas heads up ..dnt try to get my girl >.> im serious shes mines get this through your fukin head ! MINES :] who wouldn't love this perrtttiii laddiii shes the most nicest person you'll eva meetx] but OHH SHYTE!!!i seeen her pissed its like a side that makes me go o.o x] i got her back..i'll catch her every time she falls ilhsfm :] My chunky gondi is the shyte !!! x] always loving, makes me wanna hug and kiss her now x ]h8 when she calls herself ugly =.= makes me piss she mad pretty!!!! :] being without her ....OMFG dnt let me thing of it!!!!!O.O...ima wrap this up...ily alicia more still :] ur everything i needed inn a girl and more !