im really bored right now... cry
im in colorado, at this year's mensa anual gathering(AG), and ive met some pretty awesome people. im not allowed to be counted as a teen in the teen sig, but everybody seems ok with the fact that i have to stay with my cousin(mom wants to go to seminars i dont feel would interest me) and theyre actually pretty nice to me. biggrin normally, when i tag along with her(cousin), people are all like "shun the little kid!" and stuff and they like shun me as if im a leper or something, so i was really surprised when i went to the tango lesson yesterday and people were all like being nice to me and treating me like a teenager like them and stuff blaugh . they didnt care about my young age and my...height, um, difference from the rest of them, so i was really happy to be accepted. if you were one of those teens, i just want to say, thank you so much for being cool about my tagging along with my cousin!!!you were really nice to me, and...well, pretty much it just made me really happy and stuff, and im glad that i was accepted (or at least you didnt show that you didnt want me there and stuff). THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!
ok. so i said that i met some really awesome people. the usual group is me, cousin, and two guys, and theres one guy whos kinda on and off but i count him in too, cuz hes there most of the time. and theres a guy we find and shove into our group, so to speak. so the two regular guys. ones swedish, named tomas, and pretty damn hot whee , and no, im not afraid to say that, cuz everybody who knows him knows it. hes got black hair with the "emo fwoosh" (if u know what that means) and the ends of it are dyed dark red. hes got pale skin and though he hates it when people acknowledge it, a swedish accent. i dunno y he hates it so much. its pretty hot. whee so anyway, were pretty sure hes bi, though he doesnt want to admit it. its a joke sorta, though. he has a cool temper and has an "affair" with the other guy, whose name is jacob. hes pretty hot, too, i guess, though im not exactly sure what the qualifications for hot are, and im sure tomas is hot cuz my cousin also said so, and she knows. so, brownish-really dark blonde hair, like my cousins if u know her, kinda like, longish and it flips up at the ends, and tan skin. surprise, surprise. hes from california. so hes admitted that hes bi, and like i said, "affair" with tomas. really funny to watch them sometimes. he kinda fights with my cousin to get to sit next to him and stuff, also funny. unfortunately, hes got me into the habit of cussing regularly. yesteray morning, ...SOMETHING happened, and i was like "dammit. blaha blah blah." mom trned around and cousin was like "what did say?" and i replied "darn it. blah blah blah." if u dont get it, cousin said that so i could reply with darn it. but it was still really a close call. go to hell jacob.
so the other two guys. first, the on and off. hes got dark red hair, like the ends of tomas' hair, and get this-his name is thomas too. except his name has an h in it. i dont really know much about him, really, so ill get on to the other one.
strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes. tall. thin. thats a pretty good description of him too. hes a vegan, like mom and cousin, so hes easily accepted by them. being the only carnivore of the family, ive gotten used to the non dairy milk and ice cream(though its really pretty bad at first, depending on which brand u eat). hes got like a deep vioce, but not as deep as shaws, nobody's is as deep as shaws. i dont even know how its possible. its that deep. nobody could correctly impersonate his voice. but anyway, a really nice guy, and fun to hang out with, its no wonder we always go off on search for him. by the way, hes admitted that hes bi, too. (but i later found out that hes gay. and kinda not as nice as i thought)
thats pretty much it, but i want to say just one thing-sara, let me read your goddamn notebook!!!! ive read parts of it, and i promise not to get offended, ok? i swear. so PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let me read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok. thats all ive got for now.
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A whole bunch of random things!
this is my journal. it may make some people mad, others happy. frankly, i dont know what i'm going to write, so to those whom i may anger, i'm sorry about what i may write. also, if you have anything i can write about, please tell me. bye for now!
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