--April 5th, 2008; 12:53 AM ( West Coast)
The Day Nev stole My heart. <3

--it's been over 2 months now && here i am, Once again, talkin` about my sexii luvh. yeah, I love him so much (:. He' everything to me && so much more . We may be away distance-wise, but all in all, he's still PEERFECT! i couldn't ask for anyone better. Even before we were officially together, i knew we had some kind of connection. he was the one i ran to when things got rough. He always had the right answers && solved all the issues, i went through. I remember the endless nights i spent with him for hours, just talking about things we wouldn't tell anyone else. ! && I'll cherish that moment forever. We've been through so much together. Of course, people try to come in between us, but we don't let it get to the best of us, because we knw that what we have is true love. Nev is there, through the obstacles i face with family, friends, && school. We always make sure to comfort one another, when necessary. He pushes && challenges me to thrive && take on new tasks, i usualy doubt myself in. His displays of affection show me how much i mean to him. Our love is like no other. We share a bond that we both hold close in our hearts. nothing can take that away from us. I won't ever forget the day he said," I love you, Alicia", for the very first time. I was overwhelmed. It may have been unexpected, but i could tell he truely meant it. Nev Meu, i still love you more xD. I'm so happy he walked into my life. He's irresplaceable. He brings the laughs each day && the smiles that won't ever be erased. After everything we've overcome, I know for fact, that this was meant to be. I've had bad past experiences, but my world turned upside down now that he's a part of my life. I fall inlove more and more with him everyday && who knows, what the world has in store for us. For all i know, he could be the one i've been looking for my whole life !. I see Futuree Hubbyy. xD (;