Name: Dyxeion
Race: Demon
Age: 25,000
Astrological Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: unknown
Blood Type: unknown
Height: 6'4''
Beliefs/Religion: Hates angels and anything else having to do with them.
Hobby: Fighting,Reading,Cooking(lol),and anythign to do with the internet
Basic Description:He is very cold hearted. he hates stupid people. enjoys fighting and hurting others note good with other peples feelings.
Current Information
>his familty never cared for him they only wanted him to bring stautes to the family
>he was born in the depths of hell.
>when he was 5 he was sent off the become the best soilder during this time he lost respect for humnans and any other human like being.
>he likes to spend alot of his time in a house hidden in the human world deep in the forest
>possesions,jewelry, etc. : a half heart locket given to him buy his lover.
>his only pet is a shadow demon wolf
Physical Description
>hair style: neat and straight
>eyes : Blood red
>body: well built and tall
>physical condition : Strong
>marks,scar,tattoo ; he has 3 scars across his chest one under his left eye and one down the center of his face
>clothing: is more formal suits and 18tenth century clothes
>likes : Reading, siting by himself,sleeping under trees,watching his lover
>dislikes : His parents, humans, most demons, angels
>fears : haveing his lover taken from him though he would never tell anyone that
>goals : to take over the demon kingdom
>hobbies : reading
>occupation : poses as a human at times and act as a buisness worker
>favorite food :...blood
>least favorite food :....anything his lover cooks
>most prized possesion (important or emotional value) the locket around his neck that was given to him when he frist met his lover
>vernacular (way of speaking) he talks very proper but has a tendcy of cussing quiet a lot
>psychological condition ; all and al he is normal but has metal break downs at times where he can not control him self
>character behaviour : cold and uncareing
>social and other pressure, problems : was treated as nothing more than a tool for his whole life
>relationships (with who and what kind) Tsumiko his male lover
>positive characteristics: strong reliable
>negatives characteristics crule and uncareing
>physical: is very good with a sword.
>magical : to grow wings and crawls can summon lesser demons to fight for him.